View Full Version : New member

11-02-2013, 04:18 PM
Hi everyone

I am 28 years old and a few weeks ago I suffered a bad migrane which left all my left side numb I phoned out of hours (I didn't know what this was at the time) and they sent an ambulance thinking I was having a stroke which sent me into a fit of panic (again I didn't know what was happening) I felt like I was dying

This is my main thing a fear of dying and leaving me almost 3 year old so every little pain or ache I get I am taking out of context and thinking something more serious is wrong

I am a medical secretary and I am sure this is not helping me because everything seems to fit my symptoms

Since my first panic attack 6 weeks ago I can't seem to control them and it has got me so down I have eventually been put on Sertraline 50mg but I am so scared to take them because of the fact I might feel more anxious and I am struggling already without making it worse

Does anyone have any experience with this tablet or any advice?

Thanks in advance

11-02-2013, 04:42 PM
I've had anxiety for YEARS, but just recently started having bouts of panic attacks -- 3 weeks ago. The doctor placed me on 100mg generic Zoloft (what you're taking). I have finally started to feel the anxiety subside after about two weeks of medication. When I initially started taking the medication, my panic attacks and anxiety kicked up A LOT! My doctor put me on Xanax to get my through before the meds would start making a difference. Xanax gave me even more anxiety so I was then switched to Klonopin. I have been MUCH better, and my panic attacks have been non-existent. I still have some side effects of anxiety, but nothing extreme. I suggest starting the medication ASAP and maybe getting a prescription for something like Xanax and Klonopin to get you through your most anxious times.

Hope you get to feeling better soon!

11-02-2013, 05:01 PM
Thanks for your reply I think I will wait until after the weekend to start taking it to get something to help as its my daughters 3rd birthday this weekend and I don't want to be feeling ill for it and spoiling it for her

11-02-2013, 07:07 PM
I experienced my first panic attack last year at 34 yrs old. I'm supposedly a classic case of OCD anxiety. I haven't continued to have panic attacks but do have waves of anxiety. I'll be fine for a few weeks then become fixated on something such as "going crazy". I tried zoloft for about four months and didn't like the way it made me feel...disconnected and even more irritable. I now take Xanax as needed - this amounts to 0.5mg daily every few weeks for a few days. I get frustrated because I never had these fixations until my panic attack last year.