View Full Version : Post panic attack feelings

11-02-2013, 04:02 AM
The feelings after an attack seem as bad as the actual attack. I feel depressed as I have had an attack I feel needy to seek reassurance off loved ones.
I feel shaky n struggle to sleep and I feel terrified of having another one. What's the best thing to do after an attack

11-02-2013, 12:23 PM
Hi nathan, I can relate. After a bad panic attack that has had me up all night feeling like I'm about to die it can take me at least 24 hours afterwards before I stop feeling physically ill.

If you think about all the stress chemicals our body releases when we have an attack, it makes sense that it would take a while for these chemicals (adrenaline etc) to clear out of our system. Someone here described it as an "anxiety hangover" and I think that sums it up very well.

What I do in that situation is just take it easy until I feel better. Very much as though I was actually getting over a physical illness. I just try and rest and do relaxing things, all the time reminding myself that I will feel better again.

Luckily I don't get these monster panic attacks very often anymore. Medication has helped me with those (an anti-depressant). Therapy has also been helpful.

Are you getting any professional help at all? It's really important to find a way to break the cycle of fearing the next panic attack.

Wishing you the best!

11-02-2013, 02:41 PM
Hi. I had a severe attack on Tuesday and ended up in a&e as I thought I was about yo die !!! Only today I am actually coming round a little and starting to feel better and calmer. I have felt absolutely awful all week. !!! It's the first time I have ever had a big attack like that and it come out of nowhere. Even had to have the rest of the week of work !!! Back on citalopram now and starting CBT on Thursday. Xx

11-03-2013, 04:28 AM
No I haven't had any help I have reached out to a lady about cbt and I'm thinking of going back to docs I'm just scared to death about taking anti depressants but kind of feel that's my last option, thanks for your replies it's adsacly what u say it's a panic attack hangover and it's horrible

11-03-2013, 03:08 PM
That's great you've made some inquiries about CBT. That can be really helpful for anxiety. Also, anti-depressants help a lot of people too. So don't lose hope because there are some things you can try! It's good you've found this site also. There's always someone around who understands when you need support. Hang in there, Nathan! Things will get better again!!

11-03-2013, 11:55 PM
Thanks for the last post it's what I needed at 7am at work on Monday morning full of anxiety but I will beat this. It's nice to be in a place were people understand