View Full Version : Heart is pausing....scared to death!

11-01-2013, 11:38 PM
As most of you know I have been suffering from heart flutters/ jumps for over 2 months. I recently went to the cardiologist and had EKG, ECHO, holter monitor, and stress test and all checked out fine with the exception of mild mitral valve prolapse.
That was slightly reassuring, but the flutters are still happening ALL DAY EVERYDAY and it is starting to worry me again.
Tonight, they are really bad, like every other heartbeat. So I decided to check my pulse....when I did I FREAKED OUT!! It actually feels like my heart is stopping for a sec and then starting again. I cannot deal with this. I feel like I am going to drop dead any minute! Now, I am certain that the cardiologist missed something...
Has anyone else felt this? I need comfort, solace, advice, encouragement, something....I am getting very anxious over this tonight!!

11-02-2013, 12:27 AM
ANYONE? This is driving me crazy!! :(

11-02-2013, 12:54 AM
When I have a bad panic attack I def get that feeling. It sounds like they were pretty thorough in the testing. Does anything make it better or worse?

11-02-2013, 01:16 AM
As most of you know I have been suffering from heart flutters/ jumps for over 2 months. I recently went to the cardiologist and had EKG, ECHO, holter monitor, and stress test and all checked out fine with the exception of mild mitral valve prolapse. That was slightly reassuring, but the flutters are still happening ALL DAY EVERYDAY and it is starting to worry me again. Tonight, they are really bad, like every other heartbeat. So I decided to check my pulse....when I did I FREAKED OUT!! It actually feels like my heart is stopping for a sec and then starting again. I cannot deal with this. I feel like I am going to drop dead any minute! Now, I am certain that the cardiologist missed something... Has anyone else felt this? I need comfort, solace, advice, encouragement, something....I am getting very anxious over this tonight!!

I've been going through the same thing for about the same time period now. I was in the ER last weekend but got released and went to the cardiologist yesterday. Had all the tests done; EKG, echo, stress test, blood work, x-rays etc. everything came back normal. I am up right now suffering from palpitations but I know it is my anxiety. Unfortunately we have to understand that this will pass and that nothing bad will happen to our hearts. Believe I hate this feeling and think I will drop at any moment. But remember that you've felt this way for a while now and are still alive. It takes time to understand and get used to these side effects. You're not alone however.

11-02-2013, 01:22 AM
I have been suffering from the same issue for about three months now. Actually ended up in the ER last weekend bit my palpitations were so bad. Also had a cardiologist appointment yesterday. All tests that were performed; EKG, echo, stress test, x-rays, blood work came back normal. Unfortunately we have to learn to deal and live with this feeling and understand that as long as you have been checked out our hearts are fine. You can reassure yourself that you will be fine and try to focus on something else. It sucks believe me I know as I am up right now suffering from the same thing. You are not alone however. If this rapid heart rate continues ask your doctor about some beta blockers and anti-anxiety medications. They definitely help a little with the symptoms.

11-02-2013, 01:30 AM
I know that's really scary. I've had heart flutters and I empathize. Try not to freak out as I'd say that's making it worse. Maybe try relaxing with some mellow music or a warm bath. There are some good guided relaxation videos on YouTube. Maybe one of those would help calm your nervousness. They helped me a lot. Finding something to distract you might help. The important thing to remember is that you're going to be ok, so keep reminding yourself of that. Find something positive and reassuring to read or listen to online. Do you have someone there to reassure you? I know it can be scary to be by yourself and can fuel the anxiety. You have to keep in mind that you've had a whole battery of tests and they are pretty thorough. If there was anything serious, I know they would've found it, particularly with a stress test. I went through all the tests you mentioned myself. I know it can be easy to convince yourself that they missed something, but you need to remember that's the anxiety (your brain) keeping you in that state of fear. Therefore, the palpitations continue because your body's producing those fight or flight chemicals like adrenaline. Just relax your body, practice tensing and releasing different muscle groups, and repeating comforting phrases. You are well. You are safe. This might be uncomfortable, but it will pass. Think about good things in your life. Concentrate on them. Refocus your thoughts and be thankful you are blessed with many things. You are not created in a spirit of fear, but a spirit of joy, peace and wellness. Claim that for yourself. Take comfort knowing there are literally millions of people who've experienced these sensations. Just relax and embrace them. Let them wash away from you. I'll bet you're feeling more at ease just reading this. You may be getting sleepy. That's ok. Just let your mind relax. Rest your eyes and your body. You are well. You are safe. This will pass. Over and over. No negative thoughts.

11-02-2013, 03:19 AM
I have been having exactly the same issues as you for months now and its scaring me to death I freak out because they make me fwwl other things too like weak arms and legs hot and fuzzy headed really panicky nut then somedays I can think right im gonna ignore you your not gonna take over my day its very hard but sometimes I can do it not all times.. im constantly focusing on things happening in my body especially my heart xx

11-02-2013, 10:51 AM
Thank you for the responses! They have all helped so much. I feel like doo doo this morning due to lack of slip (afraid to sleep). I feel so sleepy, shortness of breath, and of course skip ls and pauses :op
Angie- so your heart pauses? How often do you get them everyday?

11-02-2013, 11:59 AM
Does your heart ever feel like its beating fast when its really not?

11-02-2013, 12:08 PM
No, not that I can think of. Just jumps and flutters.