View Full Version : i hate myself

11-01-2013, 06:18 PM
i dont know whether its the anxiety or depression but like i know im a good guy im generous and thoughful but i really hate myself. anything i do i just hate myself i always feel "if i wasnt me i would hate me" please tell me someone feels this way i just sometimes feel that the stuff i do i would hate it if i was someone eles. does this make sense and relate to anyone????
please help


11-01-2013, 06:19 PM
It's depression and you are not alone

11-01-2013, 06:34 PM
It's depression and you are not alone

Do u or have u felt the same. Anything I do afterwards I think why did I do that I hate me. If I wasn't me I would hate me. Tbh I'm always thinking from someone eles point of view when I shouldn't I wish I could just not judge myself

11-01-2013, 08:13 PM
I have felt that very way at many times. I receive therapy and take medication to help. It's the worst pain I've ever felt and the complete aloneness is unbearable. But it doesn't have to stay this way.

11-01-2013, 08:29 PM
With anxiety often comes depression. You are judging yourself far too harshly. This in itself will cause you to go into a tailspin of depression. We are human beings. We are not made to be perfect. None of us are. We are all uniquely built for a reason. I have to remind myself of this often, but my problem lies more with being accepted socially. In reality, we exaggerate (GREATLY and often negatively) the thoughts that others have of us. Are you seeing a therapist? Or do you plan to see a therapist? Thoughts of this magnitude can rule your life if not corrected promptly. Ive thankfully gotten over that stage, but I can sympathize with you. I know how it feels. Smile! :)

11-01-2013, 08:31 PM
Anxiouspsychgrad is exactly right

11-01-2013, 10:02 PM
I know my advice may seem silly, but it worked for me. I was in your shoes, hating myself etc...My self esteem was zero. I was taught to "talk back" to myself. When you get a negative thought, you need to consistently replace it with a positive one. When you catch yourself thinking or speaking bad about yourself, you immediately say or think something to contradict it. For instance if you say, "I'm such an idiot for screwing up!" Immediately say, "I'm human. We all make mistakes. (Think of a way to compliment yourself.) "I have a good heart. I care for people" etc... After awhile the script in your head turns into a positive one automatically, but you need to be consistent.

Good luck to you:)

11-01-2013, 11:52 PM
i dont know whether its the anxiety or depression but like i know im a good guy im generous and thoughful but i really hate myself. anything i do i just hate myself i always feel "if i wasnt me i would hate me" please tell me someone feels this way i just sometimes feel that the stuff i do i would hate it if i was someone eles. does this make sense and relate to anyone????
please help


As others have said, your self loathing is classic depression. And yes, I can totally relate. I often feel worthless and less than everyone else. But you know what? You're not worthless. You're a young man studying at university with your whole life ahead of you. You are doing really well. Hope that helps.

11-02-2013, 12:38 AM
As others have said, your self loathing is classic depression. And yes, I can totally relate. I often feel worthless and less than everyone else. But you know what? You're not worthless. You're a young man studying at university with your whole life ahead of you. You are doing really well. Hope that helps.

Firstly thank you all so much for your replies. That in itself makes me feel less alone. I've hardly ever considered myself to be depressed. I'm not classically like crying or emotional all the time but ever since I've started taking citlopram I've noticed my anxieties have been less but I have less motivation I just wanna be on my own and lie in bed all day. I may not even be that upset I just see no point in doing anything. Could this be a side effect from the pills or is it everything else that's going wrong in my life ATM? My girlfriend cheated on me and now my main friends who know about the anxiety have just seemed to stop talking to me I feel so alone and I blame myself. They couldn't handle me talking about my anxiety any longer because it's been so bad recently it's all I think about. I know u will say "you don't need them as friends" but how can I just accept that I need new friends because of my anxiety. I hate myself for losing friends because of this and I hate me for having this.
My darkest hour