View Full Version : Sadness

11-01-2013, 06:16 PM
I'm feeling sad tonight. And not just the kind of sad that throws you a little out, the kind of sad that makes you want to curl up and cry for hours. It's been there all day, the whole time but I've been happy, it's been repressed, but now I have nothing else to feel it's risen up to the surface. I have never felt so alone in my life. It's like every happy memory has gone, been replaced by darkness. I ache with sadness. And it's like little things are killing me slowly, but I don't know what. I can't break out of this spiral. It's like.. I've been happy all day, and now this is my toll. My deep down sadness. (I'm really sorry for all the poetry but it's just my way of speaking and I can't find a way around it)

11-01-2013, 08:17 PM
I had a day like this just recently. Honestly, sometimes the best thing to do is to allow yourself to be sad, cry, curl up into a ball, whatever you have to do. But the next day, you get up and you move on. You must know or convince yourself that this is all a process of anxiety. You know you can be happy (you said that you were today). What you need to do is think of those happy times or watch movies that bring back happy memories. I do not cope well when I'm alone as that is my fear. It's impossible for me to never be alone so I must learn ways to cope. As silly as this sounds, I color and watch cartoons when I'm feeling really sad or anxious -- and I'm 25 years old. You need to find something that makes you forget the sadness and bring out the happiness. If you try, I'm sure you'll find that it is not as hard as you may think. :) Hope you get to smiling soon!