View Full Version : i dont belong

11-01-2013, 12:43 PM
hello i am 14 year old i just moved to a new school for people with bad past they're different than anyone else i've ever met before i am there for about a month
since then i feel uncomfortable all the time i feel like i always have to fight to be respected
they bully me sometimes but i have about 4-5 friends
i never feel okay with myself why cant i just be the way i was before? why cant i just feel comfortable around people
why do they bully me for being my self what i dont understand is why i am scared of what people think all the time why do i even give it time thinking
everything is going wrong i miss the times i wasn't scared do i even have hope? what am i doing wrong?

PS:sorry for my english

11-01-2013, 05:09 PM
You are doing nothing wrong. This is stuff school kids to one another but if you hang in there and just keep being honest and who you are,the day will come soon when you are no longer new and will be liked as all become familiar with you and some other new peron comes along. Have faith and keep going on into the next day. Alankay