View Full Version : feeling optimistic despite bad news from doctors

11-01-2013, 12:24 PM
on tuesday i had a blood test as someone (i wish i could remember who) on this forum talked about vitamin d3 deficiencies causing anxiety. i had to ask the doctor for it and his response was "that seems like a strange cause but you can have a test if you wish to" today i went back to the doctors and the receptionist told me over the counter that there were some "deficiencies in vitamin d" but would not specify what it means or is untill further tests.
now you could see this as bad news as there is something wrong chemically with me but im only seeing this as good news as if it is a defficency i can take increased vitamin d and not have to pop so many anti depressents and betablockers.
god im hoping for bad news next week when i get further tests!

11-01-2013, 12:36 PM
LOL! This is indeed a good kind of bad news! :) I think we all hope for some rational - and fixable!! - explanation for our symptoms, so it's great you've discovered you are deficient in Vitamin D as there is a safe and reliable cure for this! Hope your doctor gives you a prescription for a heavy duty Vitamin D supplement soon so you can get started on fixing this!

11-01-2013, 06:42 PM
LOL! This is indeed a good kind of bad news! :) I think we all hope for some rational - and fixable!! - explanation for our symptoms, so it's great you've discovered you are deficient in Vitamin D as there is a safe and reliable cure for this! Hope your doctor gives you a prescription for a heavy duty Vitamin D supplement soon so you can get started on fixing this!

I'm not out the woods yet they asked me to go back for further tests which sounds scary but I'm hoping so much that I'm deficient in a vitamin (I'm ginger so a lack in the suns vitamin d would make sense ahah)
I will let you lot know how it ends up