View Full Version : Freaking out, on the edge of an attack

11-01-2013, 04:49 AM
So I have been having some numbness in one foot for a few days. Then I noticed slight swelling behind my knee on my right hand side. It didnt hurt and didnt feel warm but it just left a weird numbness from my knee to my foot on and off. Then I got scared. I started to think it might be a clot. I went to the ER. They did a urine test and blood work with d dimer. The d dimer came back negative for a clot and they said with my other factors it was highly unlikely that it is a clot. They told me to just take ibuprofen. They didnt recommend a sonogram. I'm still scared to death. I just can't take the ER doctors word that it isn't a clot. I'm still feeling a bit of numbness on and off. One thing the bloodwork did show was that I am slightly aneimic. I'm just scared and fighting off a panic attack this morning.

11-01-2013, 05:00 AM
Hi trini hope you are ok. I used to total fear a blood clot as I used to suffer really bad pains in one leg and have a numb foot with. The only thing I can suggest is try and distract yourself from the panic coming on. You've done the right thing going to a and e getting checked out but I understand that's not always enough to put our mind at rest. You will be fine though you haven't got a blood clot otherwise it would of shown up on the tests. Try and keep yourself busy this feeling will pass :-)

11-01-2013, 05:38 AM
Hi trini hope you are ok. I used to total fear a blood clot as I used to suffer really bad pains in one leg and have a numb foot with. The only thing I can suggest is try and distract yourself from the panic coming on. You've done the right thing going to a and e getting checked out but I understand that's not always enough to put our mind at rest. You will be fine though you haven't got a blood clot otherwise it would of shown up on the tests. Try and keep yourself busy this feeling will pass :-)

Thank you.....I'm over here, trying to keep the fear off my face in front of my kids but I'm scared.....I'm really fighting off this panic right now.

11-01-2013, 06:13 AM
We all fear the worst when we feel pains in our bodies. I do it all the time. The best thing to do is to distract yourself to keep your mind off of it. Coming here is a great way to do that, but anything you can do will help. Like petrified said, you went to get checked out and you are fine, so just reassure yourself that. This will pass. Hope it goes away quickly!

11-01-2013, 01:13 PM
Hi trini, I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm really glad you had a test at the doctor's which was negative for clots though. I know it's hard to put our mind at rest when the pain or weird sensations/numbness are still there, but it really does sound as though you can be very sure that this is not being caused by a blood clot. (And the slight anemia can be fixed easily with supplements, if your doc feels that is necessary.)

I find, when I get really freaked out and panicky about a health issue, even after I go to the doctor's and get the "all clear" it still takes me quite a while to feel better. It must be because the anxiety releases all these stress chemicals in our body and that really does a number on us. So even though it's a relief to know that you don't have a blood clot, I get it that you are still feeling bad. Hopefully you can take it easy today and try and do some relaxing things with your children to take your mind off the immediate anxiety and give your body a chance to re-balance itself.

Really hope you feel better soon, trini!

11-01-2013, 03:47 PM
Hi trini, I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm really glad you had a test at the doctor's which was negative for clots though. I know it's hard to put our mind at rest when the pain or weird sensations/numbness are still there, but it really does sound as though you can be very sure that this is not being caused by a blood clot. (And the slight anemia can be fixed easily with supplements, if your doc feels that is necessary.)

I find, when I get really freaked out and panicky about a health issue, even after I go to the doctor's and get the "all clear" it still takes me quite a while to feel better. It must be because the anxiety releases all these stress chemicals in our body and that really does a number on us. So even though it's a relief to know that you don't have a blood clot, I get it that you are still feeling bad. Hopefully you can take it easy today and try and do some relaxing things with your children to take your mind off the immediate anxiety and give your body a chance to re-balance itself.

Really hope you feel better soon, trini!

Hi!!!!! Thanks so much for responding. Its honestly been a rough day. I've been doing my best not to stress too much but its been on and off. I will be doing well for a while but then I will slip again and startv worrying again. Here's some additional info....a nurse from my doctors office called and told me she didn't believe it was a clot and my doctor also emailed me and told me not to worry, that it wasn't a clot. That kind of made me feel a bit better too. So, the er doc mentioned that what I have might have is what's called a baker's cyst but I have to follow up with my general doctor. I have to meet with my doctor on monday for a follow-up though, so as long as I can make it through this weekend, I will be ok.

11-01-2013, 05:49 PM
Really glad you've received more reassurance that what you have is not blood clot-related, trini! And it's good you're going to see your regular doctor on Monday to see if the swelling is the type of cyst you mention. Do you have anything planned this weekend? I really hope you're able to keep busy and distracted, but also that you're able to find some peace, maybe with a good book?? Failing that, you know you will always find support here at the site!! Really hope you're able to have as good a weekend as possible though! Hugs! xxxxx

11-01-2013, 06:13 PM
Really glad you've received more reassurance that what you have is not blood clot-related, trini! And it's good you're going to see your regular doctor on Monday to see if the swelling is the type of cyst you mention. Do you have anything planned this weekend? I really hope you're able to keep busy and distracted, but also that you're able to find some peace, maybe with a good book?? Failing that, you know you will always find support here at the site!! Really hope you're able to have as good a weekend as possible though! Hugs! xxxxx

Thanks! I do have some plans for this weekend although I really have to see how I'm feeling. I am going to try my best not think about it too much, just take some ibuprofen and keep on going. I'm sure I will be online over the weekend though....I like chatting with you all! Hugs to you too!!!!!

11-02-2013, 06:32 AM
Hope you have a lovely weekend and it passes quickly for you. :-))

11-02-2013, 07:55 PM
Hope you have a lovely weekend and it passes quickly for you. :-))

I've been struggling all day...but haven't broken down and taken any "rescue meds".....I keep feeling like the weird feeling is getting worse....but I'm honestly not sure if it's for real or just my anxiety. I just don't know why I cant put faith in the test and that it said it was negative for blood clots. I keep thinking there is a clot there that they missed. I did a big no no and went on google and of course found the worse horror stories ever of people who had negative tests that were really positive for clots. I'm frantically scared.
So, here is where I stand.....the numbness in my foot is still slightly there....it hasn't gotten worse. The swelling behind my knee hasn't gotten bigger. My thigh feels a little stiff but it could be because I've been limping around and keeping my foot up all day....I'm not sure. My leg doesn't really hurt anywhere. I have full motion of the knee without any pain. The ER doc said for me to follow up with my primary doc but didn't find any urgency in it. My primary doc emailed me and said not to worry, based on my test results I do not have a clot. I haven't had an ultrasound though, so I don't know WHAT this is. My sisters mother in law is a doc she listened to my situation and said she doesn't think I need to go in over the weekend and the probability that I have a clot is low. I don't see my doctor until Monday at 10:00....and I swear this is absolutely tortuous. I really don't think I can deal...........help.

11-02-2013, 09:07 PM
Really sorry you are still struggling with this, trini. I hate it when these things happen right before a weekend. :(

Google is such a double-edged sword! Sometimes it's helpful for health stuff - occasionally I have had a symptom that I was sure had nothing to do with anxiety and then I googled it and read somewhere that it can be an anxiety symptom. Which made me feel better. But, usually, I feel a whole lot WORSE after I google symptoms!! Yet it's so hard to resist doing it.

What I try and remind myself is that, generally, people tend to feel much more inclined to post their horror stories than to post their positive experiences. So, for example, with the test you just had, there are undoubtedly WAY more people who get a negative result and that result is absolutely correct than people who get a false negative. Yet, you can guarantee that, on google, you will read about the very few people out of every hundred thousand (or every ten hundred thousand or whatever) who had a false negative result! Because the overwhelming majority of people who get the correct test result don't bother to post about it.

At any rate, please try not to freak out about the horror stories you read on google. These are really rare occurrences!!! Honestly, I am certain that your test result was accurate, trini. Regarding the ultrasound, if you are still worrying on Monday then I guess you could ask your regular doctor about this at your appointment? In the meantime, you've already got through Saturday - well done! - and Monday is just a day away now. Also, even though the weird feeling hasn't gone away, it hasn't gotten worse and neither has the swelling. And you can still move your knee without any pain. Those are all really good signs!

Hope your Sunday is a more relaxing one and that you feel much better very soon!

11-02-2013, 09:31 PM
Really sorry you are still struggling with this, trini. I hate it when these things happen right before a weekend. :(

Google is such a double-edged sword! Sometimes it's helpful for health stuff - occasionally I have had a symptom that I was sure had nothing to do with anxiety and then I googled it and read somewhere that it can be an anxiety symptom. Which made me feel better. But, usually, I feel a whole lot WORSE after I google symptoms!! Yet it's so hard to resist doing it.

What I try and remind myself is that, generally, people tend to feel much more inclined to post their horror stories than to post their positive experiences. So, for example, with the test you just had, there are undoubtedly WAY more people who get a negative result and that result is absolutely correct than people who get a false negative. Yet, you can guarantee that, on google, you will read about the very few people out of every hundred thousand (or every ten hundred thousand or whatever) who had a false negative result! Because the overwhelming majority of people who get the correct test result don't bother to post about it.

At any rate, please try not to freak out about the horror stories you read on google. These are really rare occurrences!!! Honestly, I am certain that your test result was accurate, trini. Regarding the ultrasound, if you are still worrying on Monday then I guess you could ask your regular doctor about this at your appointment? In the meantime, you've already got through Saturday - well done! - and Monday is just a day away now. Also, even though the weird feeling hasn't gone away, it hasn't gotten worse and neither has the swelling. And you can still move your knee without any pain. Those are all really good signs!

Hope your Sunday is a more relaxing one and that you feel much better very soon!

Thank you so much for your response!!!!! Yes, I'm trying to tell myself that its one day down, one to go.....and yes, the symptoms haven't gotten worse. I will Definitely be asking my doc for an ultrasound on Monday. I don't think my mind will be at ease without it.
You are so right about Google and about people just writing mostly about their horror story experiences......I had to put myself on a Google ban for the rest of this weekend. I have had to stop a few panic attacks, the shortness of breath scares me more than ever because then I think its a clot going to my lungs or something. ....oh this is just a nightmare. I've never been so ready for a weekend to be over!

11-03-2013, 12:23 AM
If you have rescue meds try taking them. That sometimes works for me cause if the symptoms go away or lessen than I know it's just my anxiety messing with me and I calm down very yuck when I realize it.

11-03-2013, 12:24 AM
Quick not yuck. Lol damn autocorrect

11-03-2013, 02:52 AM
A d dimer is conclusive. Which means that a negative result indicates that there is absolutely NO CLOT. Also, blood clots are extremely painful, and it is universal swelling on the calves and feet.
I have seen a few clots in my time as a nurse in ED. Funnily enough, numbness is very rarely reported as a symptom!

11-03-2013, 06:57 AM
A d dimer is conclusive. Which means that a negative result indicates that there is absolutely NO CLOT. Also, blood clots are extremely painful, and it is universal swelling on the calves and feet.
I have seen a few clots in my time as a nurse in ED. Funnily enough, numbness is very rarely reported as a symptom!

Thank you all so much for your responses. I woke up this morning and I'm feeling a little better. I'm kind of convinced now that it isnt a clot, probably just a bakers cyst like the first er doctor mentioned. I still cannot wait until tomorrow morning to see my doc and figure out for sure what this is. The numbness as of this morning is extremely minimal so all I seem to have left is the swelling behind my knee. I do also have a twinge of pain in my ankle area on and off.
I am so glad gemma to hear from someone who has worked in that environment that the d dimer tests are conclusive. This is where anxiety truly sucks. ...multiple professionals can tell you the same thing but you just cant seem to accept or believe it. Yesterday was a very tough day, going through calm then periods of being highly worried and upset. I barely ate anything besides fruit and crackers all day. At 9pm my vision started to go a little fuzzy and I got scared. I got some sugar in my system right away and felt better. Today IS going to be a better day though.....it has to be!

11-03-2013, 01:39 PM
I hope you had a better day today trini and that tomorrow goes really well for you. Keep us posted :-)

11-03-2013, 01:47 PM
Great to have that reassurance from Gemma! And so glad you're feeling a bit better today, trini! Not long until Monday now! Keeping everything crossed for you!

11-03-2013, 02:21 PM
Thanks! I'm counting down tge hours. Now I'm scared the cyst mighf of ruptured. I THINK I felt some wetness in that same area there behind my knee. I'm trying hard not to freak out. Seriously I feel like I can't tell what's real symptoms or not anymore. Anyway I have learned something. Dont wait an entire weekend for an appt. Doesnt help the anxiety one bit.
If Gemma does read this....have you heard of a bakers cyst? What happens if it ruptures?

11-03-2013, 07:58 PM
Just had a panic attack, got no support at all from my spouse. He actually just sat there on his laptop and rolled his eyes. Great help, huh?

11-03-2013, 08:57 PM
I used to get the same reaction from my wife. She would just roll her eyes and tell me to get over it. She doesn't know what a panic attack feels like so she didn't know. But, after a little education and understanding She is more compationate. I'm sorry you didn't get the support from him.

11-04-2013, 02:53 PM
I just got out of the docs office.....no blood clot they said it was a pinched nerve. I still will be going for an ultrasound on Thursday but the doc said it was more for my piece of mind. She wasn't worried at all and now, neither am I!!!!!!!!

11-04-2013, 02:57 PM
That's AWESOME news, trini!! So very glad to hear this!!! Yay!!!!!

11-05-2013, 01:08 AM
That's great trini I'm really pleased for you :-)

11-06-2013, 02:34 AM
Reading this whole thing unfold brought a tear to my eye.... I'm very happy for you.

11-06-2013, 04:07 AM
Reading this whole thing unfold brought a tear to my eye.... I'm very happy for you.

Thank you for your support. .it is truly appreciated. I go for my ultrasound tomorrow and can't wait. I had some pain in my thigh yesterday but no swelling so I'm sticking with the pinched nerve diagnosis and that the nerve pain Is just radiating. I'm feeling a little better. ...not as nervous as before.

11-06-2013, 03:15 PM
I'm pleased your feeling a bit more relaxed trini, im sure everything will go great tomorrow for you. Keep us posted though :-)