View Full Version : Feeling hopeless

11-01-2013, 02:44 AM
Hi everyone I have been having anxiety off and on now for a year and a half. The first few months were horrible I was in the emergency room a few times. Finally got to see a psychiatrist and she diagnosed me with gad and panic disorder. I began taking Paxil it didn't work. Went up on dosage still didn't work I then switched to lexapro but nothing so went up on dosage. I felt fine but still have episodes here and there. There is times I will feel great like it's finally gone or getting better then something triggers the anxiety and it's back again. I feel so optimistic when it's not around like it's finally gonna get better for me but when I have it I'm so negative and hopeless like it will never leave and I can't live this way. I feel why did I wanna live like this forever it's awful. Idk what else to do please someone if you have any advice or going through the same thing I would appreciate it I feel so alone

11-01-2013, 01:05 PM
Hi nicole. I'm really sorry you're going through this. I can relate. I also take Lexapro (having been on most of the other SSRI's/SNRI's previously). As you say, I find that the medication helps a bit, and on the days when I am ok, it is a great feeling. But the anxiety (and in my case depression too) keep coming back and it's hard not to feel hopeless when that happens. You are definitely not alone and I'm sure there are plenty of other people who can relate also. Even though some folks are lucky and find that the first or second medication they take really helps them and they see a dramatic improvement, many others continue to struggle on some level even with meds.

I think that medication is only part of the equation and there are other things we can do as well which can help. I'm wondering if you have had any therapy at all, for example CBT? Also, some people find that making changes to their diet, exercising regularly and taking certain supplements can help. And so can meditation.

I know it can be hard to find the motivation to do these things if we are feeling hopeless, but they really can make a difference. Sometimes it's more about managing the symptoms, but this in itself can feel empowering because we are actively doing something to help ourselves.

Wishing you the best!

11-01-2013, 04:02 PM
Thank you so much for your advice. I use to meditate and it did help so I think I'm going to start that again. I don't exercise or eat well so I think I should change that. What supplements can help? I heard about vitamin b working but I'm not sure. Also could I take supplements if I'm on lexapro. I really do think a lifestyle change is what I need. Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

11-01-2013, 06:00 PM
Hi Nicole! I need to follow my own advice!! Even though I wrote that out, and I really do believe it!!, I don't necessarily always follow it!! I do try and meditate every day though and I do exercise every day as well and take supplements. But I'm kind of addicted to chocolate and I know I eat too much sugar in chocolate form, which is not good for anxiety, but it gives my mood a lift in the short term!!

At any rate, regarding supplements, I take 500 mg of Magnesium Oxide every night. I also take 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 and a B Complex Vitamin (and I also take high doses of Vitamin B2 because I get migraines and a neurologist suggested large doses of B2 can help). I take other supplements too, but, as far as anxiety goes, a lot of people with anxiety find that good quality Magnesium Oxide, Vitamin D3 and a B Complex Vitamin help.

As I mentioned, I take Lexapro too and I have not found there to be any negative interaction with any of the supplements I take and with Lexapro (always best to double-check with your psychiatrist though).

There are also herbs you can try. Here's a link to a post that someone made here a while ago which contains some helpful info on supplements for anxiety:


Again, always a good idea to check with your doc before starting any herbal stuff.

Hope some of this helps!!

11-02-2013, 09:20 AM
Thank you so much for the advice I am going to look into the supplements. I have vitamin b12 I am goin to find out if I can take it. And as of today I am going on a diet and get to exercising. I really just want to feel better I know it takes time but it's been over a year and I feel so desperate now. I even get suicidal thoughts when it gets so bad but scared to tell anyone even my psychiatrist thinking she will send me somewhere. When all is good I feel so happy but once the anxiety is back I feel hopeless and think suicidal thoughts. Telling myself I don't want to feel this way I can't live this way I would rather die..but when I think that way it scares me cuz I don't want to die..idk if that makes sense but I just want to feel better again

11-02-2013, 12:41 PM
cuz I don't want to die..idk if that makes sense but I just want to feel better again

That makes total sense! I feel the same way! It's great you're going to start exercising and eating more healthily. That will definitely make a difference, especially the exercise, I think! Hope you start feeling some benefits really soon! Let us know how it's going!

11-02-2013, 12:54 PM
I feel the same way. Don't want to die but think HOW can I live like this. It's a terrible thing we go through. Some relief in knowing you are not suffering alone however it doesn't help the awful symptoms. I currently feel like I'm going to die sometime soon with my anxiety this bad :(