View Full Version : My cure for anxiety

01-04-2008, 04:01 PM
I don't really know what type of anxiety I had, i hated going out for an unreasonable fears, i hated talking to people, i hated talking on my cell phones, the only people that i really didn't "mind" talking to was relatives or old friends. I must of went through 30 years of anxiety in 2 years before i finally found out what it was i was doing wrong. I use to think it was because of my negative thinking but i found out that anxiety really doesn't have to do with negative or positive, its really about your attitude. You see I had to find my self again, and i hung out with people that kind of changed me and thats where my anxiety started. So i fought my self, started looking at things how I would do them not the person i had become, thats whats wrong now-a-days, everybody tries to be someone that there not, but its hard not to especially with the way the world works today, remember people never forget who you really are because if you find yourself there isn't anything in this world that you can't conquer, Props to my Lord as well ;).

01-05-2008, 03:30 PM
sorry yall i wrote this when i was high as hell yesterday

01-06-2008, 04:57 AM
My point is that you feel anxiety whenever you can't say or do something because of some fear. That fear is there because you won't say or do what YOU would do in the situation your in because you might not think your good of enough for example. Just do what you would do and you'll be fine. All anxiety is, is just a reminder to be you.

01-06-2008, 01:48 PM
All anxiety is is just a reminder to be you.

Profound truth - good for you to see it..........................

01-12-2008, 04:45 AM
I'm sorry you have to get high to remember who you are.

01-12-2008, 07:11 AM
I don't really know what type of anxiety I had, i hated going out for an unreasonable fears, i hated talking to people, i hated talking on my cell phones, the only people that i really didn't "mind" talking to was relatives or old friends. I must of went through 30 years of anxiety in 2 years before i finally found out what it was i was doing wrong. I use to think it was because of my negative thinking but i found out that anxiety really doesn't have to do with negative or positive, its really about your attitude. You see I had to find my self again, and i hung out with people that kind of changed me and thats where my anxiety started. So i fought my self, started looking at things how I would do them not the person i had become, thats whats wrong now-a-days, everybody tries to be someone that there not, but its hard not to especially with the way the world works today, remember people never forget who you really are because if you find yourself there isn't anything in this world that you can't conquer, Props to my Lord as well ;).

Well, I think the whole thing about negative thinking is largely a generalization. After all, you talk of such things as fighting yourself and trying to be someone who you are not. When I look at myself, I see ALL of these things happening. I also have felt the self-hatred that comes along with realizing that I CAN'T be that something that I am not. And that as I am, I will NEVER be good enough for ANYTHING. But I ask you this. Is all of this stuff NOT a form of negative thinking? It sure isn't very positive, I can tell you that.