View Full Version : halloween was scary for me

11-01-2013, 02:16 AM
so last night we had pre drinks at my flat at uni before we were spose to go to a club. everyone was dressed up and getting drunk as you would expect. i decided that my trousers were not the right colour for my pimp costume and so i went into my room next to the kitchen locked the door and pulled down my trousers.. i then woke up at 3 am.. what i guess happened was that as i pulled my trousers down i lost my balance hit the side and passed out for 4 hours on the floor. i woke up with texts asking where i was and what had happened. i feel embarassed because ive never hurt myself being drunk before. its scary that i locked my door anything could have happened. my neck is really stiff and my head pounding
just lucky it could have been worse
i just wanted to tell my story for my unsuccessful halloween

11-01-2013, 12:56 PM
Wow, that does sound scary! If you hit your head and passed out, are you sure you didn't get a concussion? (Not that I want to freak you out by putting scary thoughts into your head. Just want to be sure you're ok!)

11-01-2013, 05:37 PM
That was life saying "Trick or Treat Mike!"

Glad you're doing ok, like you said, sometimes we avoid disaster by the smallest margins. It's quite scary sometimes to look back on.

Did you get checked out by the Dr today? All good?

Take care of yourself, sucks you missed a good party!

11-01-2013, 06:39 PM
That was life saying "Trick or Treat Mike!" Glad you're doing ok, like you said, sometimes we avoid disaster by the smallest margins. It's quite scary sometimes to look back on. Did you get checked out by the Dr today? All good? Take care of yourself, sucks you missed a good party!

I didn't go to the doctors but I've had a stiff neck and sore head all day I gues it will just pass. The scary thing is that it could have been so much worse. My flat mates were knocking on my door wondering where I was they assumed I had found a lady for the night ahahah but really I was on the floor passed out. It scares the shit out of me that it could have been so much worse when I was that drunk
I noticed my anxiety was high today I dunno whether that's how much I drunk or whether I was just anxious.......7

11-01-2013, 07:26 PM
I didn't go to the doctors but I've had a stiff neck and sore head all day I gues it will just pass. The scary thing is that it could have been so much worse. My flat mates were knocking on my door wondering where I was they assumed I had found a lady for the night ahahah but really I was on the floor passed out. It scares the shit out of me that it could have been so much worse when I was that drunk
I noticed my anxiety was high today I dunno whether that's how much I drunk or whether I was just anxious.......7

An ex girlfriend worked in X ray so I know first hand what can happen from what you described. You can fracture your skull, have an intra cranial head bleed or fracture of the spine of your neck. All serious stuff. You need to take really good care to avoid this next time.