View Full Version : Anxiaty and urination please help

10-31-2013, 04:54 PM
Hi I am male 22 yo

Over a year a go I came home from work after a normal day, I passed urine and Straight after I needed to urinate again I then had a huge panic attack and kept on needing to urinate. I went to the emergency centre and the doc tested me for a uti but said he couldn't trace it. He gave me anti biotics any way. I completed the course but they didn't work I still felt the need to urinate. The horrible feeling was I didn't feel satisfied after I urinated I still felt the feeling after and I held my bladder. I went to the doctors several times after and was prescribed different anti biotics. Nine of which worked.
Later I started to hold my urine while I was at work and it was for over 7 hours some days and holding the urine in hurt me but I continued to do this as I was scared of the feeling to urinate again straight after. My social life massively reduced and I stopped goin out shopping and eating out and other activities due to my problem. Their were times were as soon as I got out of my car I thought I would wet my self so I would flee the situation.
Over the last year I have tryed my best to cope with the situation and have made some improvements to my state. Ie I go out more and I can urinate at work.
I went to Ireland for the weekend 6months ago with my girlfreind and when I went out for a meal that night the edge hit me hard and I had a huge panic attack and payed crazy money for a flight home the next morning.
Since then I have had good days and really bad days regardless of a good or bad day a always think about it every day.

My day consists of waking up urinating, going to work then the urge and bladder holding starts.i go to the toilet a couple times that working day and I drink allot less fluids now. I go home a go to the toilet and i lift weights in the home gym, the whole time I'm lifting I need to urinate as I feel I'm putting pressure on my bladder.

My main problems I need help with is

Constant urge to urinate even after I have been

U feel time passing slowly while I'm at work as I'm uncomfortable holding urine.

I rear of having panic attacks and urinating

I now evaluate every situation weather it is going for a meal or doing something socially or something simple like going to the shop.

I feel I'm letting my gf down as she wants to go on Holliday and I'm scared as I have had a panic attack before abroad.

I feel I will loose my job as a result of this and worry constantly about my future

I do get susasidle thoughts as I just want the feelings to stop.

I don't think I have had a bad childhood or any other adversaties in my life as I love my family and my friends and work colleagues

I have had hospital test on my bladder and no problems have shown.

I have no idea why this started I no before I had pain in my testicle I worried about but this is something I get rairly now.

I just want some light at the end of the tunnel. I am lost and don't know what to do.

I definitly belief theis symptoms are anxiaty filed but find the concept hard to understand as the feelings are constant and ferry real.

Any help I would love. My grammar is not great as I'm dyslexic. Sorry.

10-31-2013, 05:30 PM
When u have a panic attack adrenaline pumps around ur body it then gets transferred to ur kidneys and we then wee it out that's why people wiv anxiety wee a lot if ur samples are fine then try not too worry too much but do not hold ur wee and do not drink less or u will damage ur kidneys just try not to think about it and it won't become a problem ;) I was like that a few months back constantly going for a wee I didn't go docs but drank lots of cranberry juice and ignored it and it soon went ;)

11-01-2013, 09:06 AM
Have you ever had a fasting blood glucose done? I'm not trying to worry you but I know that frequent urination is a symptom of hyperglycemia, that is actually why my dad was tested for diabetes.

11-01-2013, 10:50 AM
Thanks for your replies also do you know if seeing a therapist helps with anxiaty?