View Full Version : Palpatations

10-31-2013, 05:33 AM
Get a lot of palps and they really scare me when I say I get them a lot it's usually 1-2 times a day ! Anyone els get them this regularly ?

Descent like iv been having burping problems and acid reflux as well and I get pain at the bottom centre of my rib cage like it's trapped with gas :(

Anyone help ?

10-31-2013, 05:41 AM
Sometimes I get them all day but if I don't pay attention to them they usually go away in days or weeks

10-31-2013, 05:46 AM
Sometimes I get them all day but if I don't pay attention to them they usually go away in days or weeks

Really scare me just feel like my heart is just going to stop ! I am stressed at the moment though

10-31-2013, 07:20 AM
I get the same pain at the bottom of my rib cage. I also have a stomach ulcer that I take meds for. Could you possibly have one? As for the pals, yes you're not alone there either. Some days seems none. Other days off and on all day. Sort of a fluttering feeling or like it stops for a second. I think it depends how much I'm thinking about them and stress levels also. Plus we must remember that although we may think we had a good calm day with no anxiety, subconsciously there still is anxiety. It will take a long time stress free for our mind, bodies, and nervous systems to go back to normal levels. So just bc we may not think we were anxious yesterday, there is a strong chance the body is still loaded with adrenaline and other chemical imbalances from days past

10-31-2013, 12:23 PM
Man, I wish I only got them 1-2 times a day. Mine happen all day every day. I just had a slew of heart tests and all came back "normal" aside from mild Mitral Valve Prolapse. The heart flutter is STILL THERE though 😜.

11-01-2013, 01:03 AM
I get the same pain at the bottom of my rib cage. I also have a stomach ulcer that I take meds for. Could you possibly have one? As for the pals, yes you're not alone there either. Some days seems none. Other days off and on all day. Sort of a fluttering feeling or like it stops for a second. I think it depends how much I'm thinking about them and stress levels also. Plus we must remember that although we may think we had a good calm day with no anxiety, subconsciously there still is anxiety. It will take a long time stress free for our mind, bodies, and nervous systems to go back to normal levels. So just bc we may not think we were anxious yesterday, there is a strong chance the body is still loaded with adrenaline and other chemical imbalances from days past

Yeh I have always thought I had an ulcer or maybe a Hitus hernia or something like like I have had stomach problems ever since the start of my anxiety and I can't seem to shake it. Even when my anxiety is at it's lowest I still have problems. I agree with everything you are saying thankyou

11-01-2013, 01:05 AM
Man, I wish I only got them 1-2 times a day. Mine happen all day every day. I just had a slew of heart tests and all came back "normal" aside from mild Mitral Valve Prolapse. The heart flutter is STILL THERE though dde1c.

Ohh I really do feel sorry for you I could not put up with them all day it would scare me to death. Can you describe your symptoms of a heart flutter please because I start to question if it's something els.

Does it feel like you have lost your breath for a second and your hart beats twice or more quickly ?

11-01-2013, 01:49 AM
I've had everything you described...palpitations, reflux, burping, the works. I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia a few years ago after an upper endoscopy, along with GERD. These can really set your nerves on edge, especially the palpitations. It's exactly as you describe, like you lose your breath for a second with the extra or skipped beats. Some doctors won't admit any correlation between palpitations and a hiatal hernia or reflux disease, but if you search any online forum specific to these, you'll see that most people have this as a symptom. Mine feels like trapped gas around my heart in the chest cavity. Burping usually helps and so does chewing up extra strength Gas-X chewables. Whether you realize it or not, when you have the palps, you probably swallow air because you get panicked. I do and it makes it worse. The thing is to recognize that there's nothing wrong with your heart...even though it feels exactly like that. If you can control the acid reflux, that will go a long way towards helping with the hiatal hernia if you have one. Apple cider vinegar helps tremendously. Sounds counter-intuitive since it's acidic, but it actually turns alkaline when it enters your body, counteracting acid. Baking soda mixed with water helps too. Neither of these are pleasant to taste, but they work very well. In addition to avoiding foods that create gas, don't go long periods of time without eating. The longer you wait, the more gas your digestive system creates...and the more palpitations you'll have. Exercise helps, too, even if you just walk 30 minutes per day. I totally gave up carbonated drinks as well. They create tremendous amounts of gas and pressure. The most important thing is to relax, know that you're going to be ok, even as disconcerting as the palpitations can be. The more you worry, the more frequently they will come. I've managed to get my episodes of heart flutters down to a few times per month...and I was having them daily. And now when I do have them, I can always pinpoint it to excessive stress and worry, something I ate that I shouldn't have or I just waited too long between meals or snacks. Hope some of this will help. Don't let it get you down with worry.

11-01-2013, 07:50 AM
I've had everything you described...palpitations, reflux, burping, the works. I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia a few years ago after an upper endoscopy, along with GERD. These can really set your nerves on edge, especially the palpitations. It's exactly as you describe, like you lose your breath for a second with the extra or skipped beats. Some doctors won't admit any correlation between palpitations and a hiatal hernia or reflux disease, but if you search any online forum specific to these, you'll see that most people have this as a symptom. Mine feels like trapped gas around my heart in the chest cavity. Burping usually helps and so does chewing up extra strength Gas-X chewables. Whether you realize it or not, when you have the palps, you probably swallow air because you get panicked. I do and it makes it worse. The thing is to recognize that there's nothing wrong with your heart...even though it feels exactly like that. If you can control the acid reflux, that will go a long way towards helping with the hiatal hernia if you have one. Apple cider vinegar helps tremendously. Sounds counter-intuitive since it's acidic, but it actually turns alkaline when it enters your body, counteracting acid. Baking soda mixed with water helps too. Neither of these are pleasant to taste, but they work very well. In addition to avoiding foods that create gas, don't go long periods of time without eating. The longer you wait, the more gas your digestive system creates...and the more palpitations you'll have. Exercise helps, too, even if you just walk 30 minutes per day. I totally gave up carbonated drinks as well. They create tremendous amounts of gas and pressure. The most important thing is to relax, know that you're going to be ok, even as disconcerting as the palpitations can be. The more you worry, the more frequently they will come. I've managed to get my episodes of heart flutters down to a few times per month...and I was having them daily. And now when I do have them, I can always pinpoint it to excessive stress and worry, something I ate that I shouldn't have or I just waited too long between meals or snacks. Hope some of this will help. Don't let it get you down with worry.

Thankyou so so much for this you really don't know how much this has helped I was really starting to panic thinking I had cancer or some sort of lift threatening thing !!

11-01-2013, 12:20 PM
I agree!! Thank you for what you just wrote!! I get soooo scared bc I've had GAD for over 10 years so I don't understand why it's only been the last year or so that these palpitations started!??? That's what makes me worry and think there is something wrong. The last EKG I had was over a year ago and all was fine. Dr says heart is fine and doesn't seem to be interested in giving me any further testing. I do burp a ton even with the meds for my ulcer. I strongly think they are all correlated. Too much air in from shallow fast breathing ( even if we don't realize it) and then it turn creates the issues with the digestive system.

Some day I just hope that I will truly believe that these palps are harmless. My WHAT IF thinking still has the best of me for now

11-01-2013, 01:07 PM
Absolutely! Hope you both feel better soon. I know how worrisome the palpitations can be. When you couple digestive issues with the anxiety, it can cause all kinds of stressful symptoms. The important thing is to recognize it for what it is and not worry that it's cancer, a heart attack or something more serious. I take Lansoprazole (generic for Prevacid) once a day for the acid reflux, and it controls it pretty well. It's available over-the-counter, so you don't need a prescription. I usually buy the 42-count because it's less expensive. If you're not taking any meds to control the reflux, I'd strongly suggest doing that. You don't want the acid doing damage to your esophagus. That can lead to some real issues over time. Hope some of my suggestions will help you. Please let me know how you progress. In the meantime, don't stress yourself out over it with worry. I did for a long time and it just made things worse. You aren't dying with some dreaded disease. Just keep that in mind.