View Full Version : Having an awful night

10-30-2013, 08:10 PM
So recently I have even getting dull headaches in my temples that come and go frequently. There has also been blood when I blow my nose but no continuous nose bleeds. I am so scared as I have health anxiety. I am really afraid I have hypertension and could have a stroke or heart attack at any second. Or some sort of cancer.

I am going to the doctors tomorrow to get it all checked but I can't stop worrying and get to sleep. :(

10-30-2013, 08:22 PM
OMG I feel like I have cancer too

10-30-2013, 08:25 PM
My biggest fear is cancer or an aneurysm. I've been this way for about 15 years now. I have self-diagnosed myself with the worst possible cancers and illnesses there are. I've come to a breaking point though. I've reached the point at which I just KNOW there is something terminally wrong with me. Even though numerous doctors has told me otherwise. I feel like the only way to fully know that there is nothing wrong is to have a complete body scan. But even then, I think I'll find a reason to believe I'm dying. It's a constant cycle.

10-30-2013, 08:40 PM
I feel like the only way to fully know that there is nothing wrong is to have a complete body scan. But even then, I think I'll find a reason to believe I'm dying. It's a constant cycle. This i can really relate to, I'm always wanting to have a complete body scan because in my head I think then I could have peace of mind. My anxiety gets worse because numerous gp's also have told me I'm fine but they never seem to want to do any tests.

10-30-2013, 08:45 PM
The biggest thing is not feeding the fear (a lot easier said than done). Maybe find a GP that's more willing to run tests and figure out the root of the problem. My next step is CBT after I visit 3 more MDs in the next week to rule out anything physical (which I know I won't be satisfied with). Have you considered or tried CBT? This will be my first time as a patient, but I am a psych grad with a experience of how it works as such.

11-02-2013, 08:13 AM
I am exactly the same :( every single day I think there is something wrong with me .. I am even to anxious to go to the doctors just incase there is! It's gotten to the point where the other night I was thinking I will die over night how crazy is that just because a couple of days before I banged my head getting into a car and I had a headache so thought that was the end for me! :( x