View Full Version : why are we here

10-30-2013, 02:55 PM
this post probabaly doesnt belong here. In fact i dont know where on the internet it belongs.

i suffer from severe anxiety and depression. How i am holding a job and a marriage is beyond my comprehension. At the core of my discontent is existence. I got into this frame of thinking after my dad passed away. after that i am overflowing with questions about my existence. why am i here? etc etc. I love my mother and my wife but i am somehow really closed off to them as i think its all pointless. whatever love etc is there just becomes a mirage with time and creates quenching pain after all that you are left with is the mirage. i need to understand what i am doing "here" and i dont get it. at some level i feel this to be mental masturbation but i am not happy with limiting myself to mundane things. I need to know/experience what its all about so that i can fucking move on with my life bcoz currently its all going to dust.

can anyone relate?

10-30-2013, 03:31 PM
Yeah I went through some of that and realized for sure while we're here...we needed to "make the best of it" as a person to others most importantly, family and close friends.....even not so close friends. Be part of "the good" in the World. You know you want to. :)
Hang in there until you break out of your funk. Alankay

10-30-2013, 11:44 PM
May I ask what your beliefs are concerning God and Jesus?

this post probabaly doesnt belong here. In fact i dont know where on the internet it belongs.

i suffer from severe anxiety and depression. How i am holding a job and a marriage is beyond my comprehension. At the core of my discontent is existence. I got into this frame of thinking after my dad passed away. after that i am overflowing with questions about my existence. why am i here? etc etc. I love my mother and my wife but i am somehow really closed off to them as i think its all pointless. whatever love etc is there just becomes a mirage with time and creates quenching pain after all that you are left with is the mirage. i need to understand what i am doing "here" and i dont get it. at some level i feel this to be mental masturbation but i am not happy with limiting myself to mundane things. I need to know/experience what its all about so that i can fucking move on with my life bcoz currently its all going to dust.

can anyone relate?

10-31-2013, 12:27 PM
We are ALL here for a reason. The Bible says that the whole duty of man is to serve God. This is first and foremost, as humans we still have to go through hardships. Sometimes I question why I have to go through this suffering, but I also know it could be worse and without God who knows how my life would be. We have to remember our lives are in Gods hands. Finding God and getting saves is the first step in finding our purpose in life.

10-31-2013, 01:21 PM
We are ALL here for a reason. The Bible says that the whole duty of man is to serve God. This is first and foremost, as humans we still have to go through hardships. Sometimes I question why I have to go through this suffering, but I also know it could be worse and without God who knows how my life would be. We have to remember our lives are in Gods hands. Finding God and getting saves is the first step in finding our purpose in life.


10-31-2013, 01:26 PM
I my self have been wondering the same thing for some time now, why are we here? What's our origin? What's our mission? The lack of answers is really driving me crazy, right now it seems that we are here for no reason, most of us suffer a lot during our lives and we don't even know if it is worth it. I'm sorry for your loss, really sorry. I joined this forum because I can't stop thinking about my parents death (they are still alive but I keep wondering how I'll go on when they are no longer here), life seems to be that, we never get to understand who we are, why we are or any question of sorts it simply is something superior to us, the more we think about it the worse we get :(
I like to believe that we exist for some reason, c'mon, we didn't surge out of nothing, there has to be something superior to us... I was raised in a christian family and I always try to believe in religion, at least it gives us a reason to keep trying. It's hard to believe in something that we have no profs of but for me it would be even harder to just believe that one day we close our eyes and bang, it all ends, I seriously can't imagine the world going on without me (not trying to be egocentric). But what really creeps me is that we have already been "dead", before we were even born... :S According to what we learn this world already existed before we had self consciousness... What if that's it, it all returns to that state when we die, there simply is nothing. I'm so afraid of that, though something is for sure, if there is nothing on the end of this journey I suppose we won't be able react to it, we won't exist...

Seriously man, I hope that there is something superior to us and that our life somehow continues when we close our eyes for the last time, imagine that there is nothing past this, that I suffered for nothing, that I won't review those I love... Better not even think about it :(

10-31-2013, 01:56 PM
I think about this a lot and I don't know why we are here. As humans all we do is try to kill each other or put each other down to forward ourselves. Employers just want our bodies but won't pay us a wage we can live on. They give us health insurance just to keep us alive enough to work but never be really well. Everyday we just do it all again looking for fleeting moments of happiness to keep us looking for the next moment which may or may not come. Sigh. I just try not to think about it. As a Jew, my belief and our teaching is that God put us here to enjoy this world he created for us and not to obsess or worry about what's next because we just don't know that answer. I wish I could focus on this instead.

Angie 91
10-31-2013, 02:03 PM
I don't know mate.
But here is how I perceive it.

I don't believe in God.
All we have to believe with is our senses, the tools we use to perceive the world: our sight, our touch, our memory. If they lie to us, then nothing can be trusted. And even if we do not believe, then still we cannot travel in any other way than the road our senses show us; and we must walk that road to the end.
We do what we do, because of who we are. If we did otherwise, we would not be ourselves.

The view changes from where you are standing.
Words can wound, and wounds can heal.
Right now, some of us draw our lines around these moments of pain


10-31-2013, 02:59 PM
The hurt, the killing, the death is all because of sin. That's where it started and that's where it ends. That's why Jesus died on the cross for us, so we could have life. Does that mean the suffering and pain will end? Not on this earth, but when we die and go to Heaven, it will!
It's easy to believe in some one we don't see, we do it everyday. The watch you wear...you have never seen the person who made it, but you believe someone made it. We can't SEE our hearts, but we know it's there. It's called faith...that's what keeps me going. God is real, the proof is all around us. In the womb of a mother, the way everything works together like a fine tuned machine. The changing of seasons, the joy in a child's laughter, the list is never ending.
When a person comes to know Jesus as their Savior, their purpose becomes clear.

10-31-2013, 03:07 PM
this post probabaly doesnt belong here. In fact i dont know where on the internet it belongs. i suffer from severe anxiety and depression. How i am holding a job and a marriage is beyond my comprehension. At the core of my discontent is existence. I got into this frame of thinking after my dad passed away. after that i am overflowing with questions about my existence. why am i here? etc etc. I love my mother and my wife but i am somehow really closed off to them as i think its all pointless. whatever love etc is there just becomes a mirage with time and creates quenching pain after all that you are left with is the mirage. i need to understand what i am doing "here" and i dont get it. at some level i feel this to be mental masturbation but i am not happy with limiting myself to mundane things. I need to know/experience what its all about so that i can fucking move on with my life bcoz currently its all going to dust. can anyone relate? I am the same I think when anxiety is high and depression is ther we see all the bad and all the negitive I get so over whelmed by it I look at my beautiful children and think why I'm I here what is my purposes ? What was before I was born? Why do some of uz live a 100 yrs and some of uz die in the womb? What's after death? It's all scary anxiety state thinking it's all the what if questions and they get stuck in our heads constantly tormenting are brain and inevitably preventing uz from actually enjoying our family enjoying the beautiful things in our world and most of all enjoying are life I start cbt on Monday so u hope that will help stop questioning things I will never ever no :(

Angie 91
10-31-2013, 03:09 PM
shrug* Different opinions.
Each his/hers experience.
I do not believe in God, no offense! -almost no one in my country do.
Not sure we should debate it here.

peaceandlove (love your name btw), I wsh you well once again.
Have a great day everyone :)


10-31-2013, 03:53 PM
thank you for your wonderful replies ppl. Its comforting to be heard. I know this is smthing huge and deep and eons old problem. i can see some people find religion/god 2 be hugely comforting and its certainly one approach. I however have not found solace in that. I am not religious but I do believe in a deeper spiritual realm of life. Consciousness mystifies and awes me. I feel other people's pain really deeply to the extent that it starts to affect me and I get into contemplation about the root of it all. But it has happened so many times with no lasting answer that i see the need of an alternative approach, as I can't continue like this. this quest needs to go in background.