View Full Version : Was feeling pretty good until today

10-30-2013, 01:02 PM
I've been on the Wellbutrin, and had a rough start (plus, my sister had passed away 9/25, and I started the med on 9/24, as some might remember). We had to go to out of state on 10/17 to bury her, and that was hard, but I truly didn't feel anxious hardly at all the entire trip/weekend. I was very sad, but I didn't feel anxious. One exception would be when I had a cup of tea and stayed up too late, but we know what that was from! Anyway, I had just been remarking how I felt better yesterday, and today I feel like junk. Guess what time it is? PMS time! I guess I didn't notice it sucking last month because the med was new, and I felt like junk with everything going on anyway. I really hope tomorrow is different, because I don't want to dread this time anymore. :(

10-30-2013, 03:27 PM
Hi Amanda!! It's good to see you!! (but not if you're not feeling good :( ) I was thinking about you and hoping that you hadn't been around because you were feeling better. I tend to come here no matter how I feel just because I enjoy checking in with folks here. So I am really glad to see you! Plus, it's great that you've been doing well overall. It really sounds as though the Wellbutrin is working. Well done for riding out the bumpy start, and I'm so glad it's paying off now!

I know you've mentioned mood problems related to PMS before, so at least you know what is causing this (still sucks though!!) At any rate, I really hope you feel better again very soon! Hugs to you! xxxx