View Full Version : Success Stories

Olive Yew
10-29-2013, 09:40 PM
A Thread for triumphs and success stories, no matter how small they might be :)

My success story of the night: Me vs. High School volley ball district games with my boyfriend. 3 games. 2 went into "overtime" and had an extra set. So 200 points worth of volley ball in one night. We were there from 5pm to 9pm. I only had to step outside 3 times. No panic attack but a whole lot of sensory overload. I survived though :) had fun. Our team lost unfortunately but it was SO close. 28 to 26. My poor head felt like it was gonna explode the whole time. Way too loud, too bright, too many people, too much activity, a guy in front of us wearing WAY too much cologne.... But By jove I survived! :)

What about you all? Success stories? It can even be as small as "I didnt dream last night" or "I got myself out of the house today." :) lets focus on the good things for once.

10-30-2013, 06:55 AM
So glad you got through and survived the games, Oli :) Woo!!! ..I can just imagine the cologne smell, ugh...lol.

A lil' success for me: I felt terrible, but I was like ah, f*** it and went out and worked anyway, getting some yard work done and not having any full blown panic attacks--ha! Take that, Batty!

Olive Yew
10-30-2013, 10:56 AM
So glad you got through and survived the games, Oli :) Woo!!! ..I can just imagine the cologne smell, ugh...lol. A lil' success for me: I felt terrible, but I was like ah, f*** it and went out and worked anyway, getting some yard work done and not having any full blown panic attacks--ha! Take that, Batty!

Good for you!!! Way to power through ^_^