View Full Version : i cant sleep

01-03-2008, 05:39 AM
i am having the worst time trying to sleep lately, i keep having all these weird sensations whilst falling asleep, one is i keep thinking that i hae stopped breathing and i gasp for air, another is a jerk/ weird sensation i get to random parts of my body, sometimes not even a jerk, kind of like an elsectric shock....it can be to anywhere though, arm leg, chest back, aaarrrghhhh so frustrated i jsut want to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-03-2008, 12:20 PM
Are you exercising daily? That is the one thing that helped me get back onto a normal sleeping pattern. At the same time, exercise helps give your body the strength to fight anxiety and attacks. If you are not exercising 5-6 days a week, I strongly recommend it. If you are... maybe you should look into seeing a psychiatrist who could prescribe some medication or refer you to a therapist for help.

Good luck, I hope you find the sleep you desire soon.

01-04-2008, 12:53 AM
yea, i wish i could say i haven't been there, but i have. i would have some terrible symptoms of my own during sleep i'd rather not share for your sake. it would just give you something new to worry about. are you going to bed late at night? i started going to bed around 8-9pm, which is way early for my common bedtime, but i'd rather sleep early, than no sleep at all. maybe have some tv or radio playing, while you fall asleep. so your mind's attention isn't all on your negative thoughts. i wish i had more to offer you. i'm diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome. which isn't just a restless leg, it can really effect any limb, but it causes me to be a little more anxious at times and move around, while i'm trying to sleep. they have some certain medication for that, it maybe be a cause. i'm taking a dose of iron each day for some of that, with my anxiety medicine. if your afraid of meds, it's up to you. i didn't like the idea of taking a pill each day to keep me from having anxiety. i dont have the time to keep fighting it each day though. the side effects usually aren't as bad as you think.