View Full Version : Scary chest pains

10-29-2013, 02:24 PM
Bp is 136/98 my heart rate is 114, having piecing chest pains and heart palps. Just anxiety??? In last two weeks I have had two EKGS a nuclear stress test, treadmill stress and echocardiogram and all came back fine think The Lord! I have really cut back on caffeine, but I still find myself worrying a lot about my heart. So if all is normal where could chest pains be coming from? Please give me some advice as I continue to take two steps forward ten steps back!!!!

10-29-2013, 04:04 PM
I get the same think and I constantly check my bp. If all your tests came back fine than it's anxiety. Being tense and breathing quicker can cause a lot of the chest discomfort. Try relaxing and belly breathing instead of chest to give the muscles time to relax. I use mindfulness/hypnosis tracks from iTunes also and they work pretty good for me.