View Full Version : An uncomfortable truth

10-29-2013, 02:38 AM
Hi everyone. As I reflect upon my life and browse this forum, I have come to a conclusion. It is one that many of us will not like. Some will fiercely debate and attempt to debunk it. But I do believe it to be truth.

In this life in the world we live in, it is better to be conservative and not be too different and radical. There, I have said it. How many threads I've seen, including my own, where people have much heartache, sorrow and sadness from being different. It is not worth it. All the leaders in this world, in any country, from small to big business, politicians, religions, social clubs and groups are all conservative. We live in world ruled by conservatives. We all go to work, and unless you work on a hippy commune, you are ruled by conservatives. Every product that you use is run by conservative companies. All the food and drink you consume is run by conservative companies.

It is a very inconvenient and uncomfortable truth. But it is truth. You are far better fitting in than standing out. I know myself that I am determined to throw away my past to try and forge a future free of suspicion, scorn and ridicule.

Thank you.

10-29-2013, 06:29 AM
I would have to disagree. Trying to fit in can be more stressful than being yourself. If someone doesn't like you for who you are, or what you like, or what you do, that's on them. It's their problem, not yours. Don't throw away your past, it helped you be who you are today.

10-29-2013, 08:15 AM
I disagree on much of the post but that's the extent of my comment. Alankay

10-29-2013, 10:30 AM
Hi everyone. As I reflect upon my life and browse this forum, I have come to a conclusion. It is one that many of us will not like. Some will fiercely debate and attempt to debunk it. But I do believe it to be truth. In this life in the world we live in, it is better to be conservative and not be too different and radical. There, I have said it. How many threads I've seen, including my own, where people have much heartache, sorrow and sadness from being different. It is not worth it. All the leaders in this world, in any country, from small to big business, politicians, religions, social clubs and groups are all conservative. We live in world ruled by conservatives. We all go to work, and unless you work on a hippy commune, you are ruled by conservatives. Every product that you use is run by conservative companies. All the food and drink you consume is run by conservative companies. It is a very inconvenient and uncomfortable truth. But it is truth. You are far better fitting in than standing out. I know myself that I am determined to throw away my past to try and forge a future free of suspicion, scorn and ridicule. Thank you.

A fellow pessimist. I also agree that blending in is the easy option. Many will disagree sayin that fighting who you are is more effort but with that I disagree. Blending in is the easy part, maybe fighting yourself will be difficult if u never have but if you are use to it it becomes second nature (but you can't lose it) the part I disagree with you dark soul is that why should life be easy? People will say that if people don't accept who you are then they should be your friend. But society has many pre conceptions that even the nicest person won't accept.

I study history and looked at a diary entry of a 18th century printer worker who formed a mob and Killed all the cats in Paris in a lecture today. Everyone's reaction was on of shock as these workers laughed and got joy out of it. However society then accepted this as a solution to the problem

This is relevant as 21st century society is unable to empathise with people that aren't themselves. Back then it was seen as a solution.

All I'm saying is yes the world is full of cu*ts but every now and then their are different people and these are the ones who are remembered. Be different if u have the balls because I certainly don't.

10-29-2013, 07:38 PM
A fellow pessimist. I also agree that blending in is the easy option. Many will disagree sayin that fighting who you are is more effort but with that I disagree. Blending in is the easy part, maybe fighting yourself will be difficult if u never have but if you are use to it it becomes second nature (but you can't lose it) the part I disagree with you dark soul is that why should life be easy? People will say that if people don't accept who you are then they should be your friend. But society has many pre conceptions that even the nicest person won't accept.

I study history and looked at a diary entry of a 18th century printer worker who formed a mob and Killed all the cats in Paris in a lecture today. Everyone's reaction was on of shock as these workers laughed and got joy out of it. However society then accepted this as a solution to the problem

This is relevant as 21st century society is unable to empathise with people that aren't themselves. Back then it was seen as a solution.

All I'm saying is yes the world is full of cu*ts but every now and then their are different people and these are the ones who are remembered. Be different if u have the balls because I certainly don't.

Wow, that was a really interesting and thought provoking post. Thanks for that. I'm sick of "being who I am". It's time to be someone else.

Do you know what really burns me up??? All the caricatures and stereotypes that is so prevalent on television and film. And this is reflected in society in general. I don't know if it's a case of art imitating society or society imitating art, but there it is. I for eg, am not gay but heterosexual. But honestly, if I was gay, I don't know how I could tolerate the endless stream of put downs of gay people on popular media. From dumbass sitcoms to movies. The constant standard mockery of gays being prissy and sissy, supposedly fashion and skin care conscious, the effeminate motion of the hands, the lisp in their voice etc. And come to think of it, pretty much everything that popular media portrays gays could be applied to me-an effeminate guy.

And even though it's only one item, everyone with no argument would consider me "effeminate" regardless of what I am else like in the rest of my life. It sickens me to see the comical, mocking portrayal of men in popular media who are either gay, effeminate or crossdressers.

I can't take it any more. I really can't. I can't "be myself" against an entire society and its' media. I think for eg, the successful movie, "Robin Hood-Men in Tights", which is just by it's title is a mockery of men who aren't regular Joes.

Thank you.

10-29-2013, 09:40 PM
Wow, that was a really interesting and thought provoking post. Thanks for that. I'm sick of "being who I am". It's time to be someone else. Do you know what really burns me up??? All the caricatures and stereotypes that is so prevalent on television and film. And this is reflected in society in general. I don't know if it's a case of art imitating society or society imitating art, but there it is. I for eg, am not gay but heterosexual. But honestly, if I was gay, I don't know how I could tolerate the endless stream of put downs of gay people on popular media. From dumbass sitcoms to movies. The constant standard mockery of gays being prissy and sissy, supposedly fashion and skin care conscious, the effeminate motion of the hands, the lisp in their voice etc. And come to think of it, pretty much everything that popular media portrays gays could be applied to me-an effeminate guy. And even though it's only one item, everyone with no argument would consider me "effeminate" regardless of what I am else like in the rest of my life. It sickens me to see the comical, mocking portrayal of men in popular media who are either gay, effeminate or crossdressers. I can't take it any more. I really can't. I can't "be myself" against an entire society and its' media. I think for eg, the successful movie, "Robin Hood-Men in Tights", which is just by it's title is a mockery of men who aren't regular Joes. Thank you.

Don't for a second think I'm telling you to give up. I want you to be who u are but I'm just stating my opinion on society. Yes it's hard and I don't know what your going through but I can relate. Why should life be easy? In modern society we can't kill or be killed like our bodies and mind are trained to. This means me build up stress and aggravation and have nothing to let it out on. And so we build up anger and energy we cannot release and then we let it out on what people see as the problems in our society someone will break this code and when they do they will be remembered. I want you to be this person. The question is are you willing to?

10-30-2013, 12:58 AM
Don't for a second think I'm telling you to give up. I want you to be who u are but I'm just stating my opinion on society. Yes it's hard and I don't know what your going through but I can relate. Why should life be easy? In modern society we can't kill or be killed like our bodies and mind are trained to. This means me build up stress and aggravation and have nothing to let it out on. And so we build up anger and energy we cannot release and then we let it out on what people see as the problems in our society someone will break this code and when they do they will be remembered. I want you to be this person. The question is are you willing to?

Just to give you an example of what I am talking about, look at the life of Alan Turing, the man who broke the Nazi enigma code of WW2. An amazing, outstanding achievement that was a major reason for Allied victory. And what happened to him after the war? He was arrested and treated for homosexuality and even became an international security risk. That is society for you. He was only one notch better treated for "who he was" than in Nazi Germany, where he would have been incinerated. Apparently he commented himself that he fought for freedom only to be treated similarly like the Nazis did to his kind.

What about J Edgar Hoover? An alleged crossdresser. I saw an episode of Futurama where Richard Nixon says something like, "I'll get into this like Hoover getting into a girdle". This is what I'm talking about. Nothing but scorn, ridicule, persecution, suspicion, hatred etc of anyone that isn't conservative by the standards of majority society. I mean, if the man who broke the Nazi enigma code could be turned on, what the hell chance do I have?


10-30-2013, 04:48 AM
Just to give you an example of what I am talking about, look at the life of Alan Turing, the man who broke the Nazi enigma code of WW2. An amazing, outstanding achievement that was a major reason for Allied victory. And what happened to him after the war? He was arrested and treated for homosexuality and even became an international security risk. That is society for you. He was only one notch better treated for "who he was" than in Nazi Germany, where he would have been incinerated. Apparently he commented himself that he fought for freedom only to be treated similarly like the Nazis did to his kind. What about J Edgar Hoover? An alleged crossdresser. I saw an episode of Futurama where Richard Nixon says something like, "I'll get into this like Hoover getting into a girdle". This is what I'm talking about. Nothing but scorn, ridicule, persecution, suspicion, hatred etc of anyone that isn't conservative by the standards of majority society. I mean, if the man who broke the Nazi enigma code could be turned on, what the hell chance do I have? None.

Firstly love the use of historical people. I do understand. Firstly in the sense of Turing he was a truly amazing guy and extremely clever and strong. But that was 1952 and a lot has changed (for the better since then) he was prosecuted with a law made in 1885 which just shows how outdated it was and secondly in 2012 he was finnally given a government pardon.(I know that means nothing to him but it symbolises how much has changed) people can be who they want know but if you take yourself seriously then you may overthink thinks. As an anxiety sufferer it adds another huge level of difficulty too this. I am no shinning example at all I just don't want you or anyone to give up hope. Your main concern as is mine is improving how I feel in context of the anxiety only then will I tackle my self to become who I want to be because this disease eats an esteem and confidence and I see a day where I am better and I can finally be myself again. Listen man I really want you to see where I'm coming from. If you ever feeling low please drop me a private message just to chat to someone who knows what your going through!
Stay strong