View Full Version : Various heart tests - questions

10-28-2013, 03:48 PM
My cardiologist called today to let me know that my nuclear stress test and treadmill stress test came back normal as well as my echocardiogram came back normal as well. Thank The Lord!!! So in the last two weeks I have had 2 EKGS nuclear stress test and echo test and they are all normal thank The Lord!!! I'm working towards moving forward and putting my heart fears behind me. HOWEVER, my heart rate has been over a hundred for several days now while resting. Even higher when not resting. Yes sometimes it goes down to normal but usually 90s. I stopped beta blockers because it was too low or so I thought. My primary doc insists heart rate is due to anxiety and that I don't need bets blockers . I'm afraid to let my heart rate stay too high, yesterday was terrible I had a three hour long panic attack hr 150. Any encouraging advice would be ever so appreciated!

10-28-2013, 04:23 PM
Also if there is no evidence of heart damage or blockage or issues , how harmful is it to your heart if your heart rate does stay elevated due to anxiety ? How high is too high and how long is too long ? Also since stopping beta blockers when I exercise my heart rate elevates more than it use to and it elevates a lot quicker, is this normal too? Would love advice if u have ever taken beta blockers thanks so much!!!

10-29-2013, 01:57 PM
Somebody, ...... Anybody??

10-31-2013, 09:18 AM
Somebody, ...... Anybody?? can anyone relate or she'd some light on my above post ?

10-31-2013, 12:20 PM
Hi blessed. I can't really say a whole lot about the elevated heart rate, but I am kind of in the same boat as you. I have bee. Suffering from heart flutters for about 2 months. They are 24/7 and drive me crazy. I recently had an ECHO, EKG, stress test, and wore a holter monitor. Everything came back fine except they did find mild Mitral Valve Prolapse, which is benign. I am still having he heart flutters and I can't seem to believe that everything is ok. I keep thinking the Dr. must have missed something!! It's frustrating I know. Our hearts are more resilient than we can imagine. They are muscles, so they can take a lot. The elevated heart rate is probably anxiety...adrenaline from worrying. I am thinking that's why happening with me, I just can't stop worrying.
I hope things get better for you Blessed 😀

11-01-2013, 06:24 AM
I can totally sympathize with your situation, I was sent home from work today and told to take stress leave. I work in an emergency department and the head doctor that saw me said it was anxiety related and to take my beta blocker as needed if it is too elevated. I am seeing my cardiologist on Monday for more tests as I have only had ECGs and a holter. My heart rate goes up to 120 for hours on end. I think I might start on Prozac and see if that helps. It is scary, I keep thinking my heart will go into a weird rhythm and I will drop! It's hard to believe your heart can withstand such a pounding! If your heart is healthy and all is clear than you can be certain that an elevated heart rate won't harm you. And a stress test determines how well your heard responds to exercise (elevated hr) and if it is responding appropriately then your body absolutely can withstand the elevated heart rate. I know it's hard to stop the worry, but if all tests say your heart is fine, then it certainly is!

11-01-2013, 02:40 PM
Thank you this helps me feel better!

11-02-2013, 12:03 AM
So happy to hear all of your tests came back good Blessed. I really hope this will help you move on from this fear. It sounds like it really fuels your anxiety. I have been where you are so I understand. You just have to let it go. A high heart rate is due to anxiety. It may always be that way until your anxiety gets more under control. Don't worry about it. The more you worry and think about it the more your heart rate is going to go up.

Have you tried the magnesium yet??

11-02-2013, 06:47 AM
So happy to hear all of your tests came back good Blessed. I really hope this will help you move on from this fear. It sounds like it really fuels your anxiety. I have been where you are so I understand. You just have to let it go. A high heart rate is due to anxiety. It may always be that way until your anxiety gets more under control. Don't worry about it. The more you worry and think about it the more your heart rate is going to go up. Have you tried the magnesium yet??thank you I
Taking one day at a time and when bad worrisome thoughts come my way I remind myself of my test results and repeat the words normal in my mind which is what the doc told me. I've not tried magnesium yet as my mag levels tested normal. I was very low on vitamin d so I'm working on correcting that right now. Thanks for your support!!!

11-02-2013, 07:59 AM
Dear Blesses

Firstly I'm so happy that all your results came back normal. It's the Anxiety that won't let go all the test in the world can come back normal and that will satisfy you for a day or two then in comes the - "But what if" - "Did they miss anything?" This is classic for me I would always somehow manage to find something else to worry about even when all the test came back normal. I've gone from thinking I have a heart condition to MS in a month convinced and diagnosing myself using Google. It's crippling and I can so relate and there is no magic position that will make it all go away. You've got to face Anxiety every time she pops up, if your heart rate starts to beat higher than normal and you can feel it in your neck, hear it in your ears face it and say yes I have acknowledged that my heart is beating higher than normal but I'm fine, I feel fine, my heart is strong, this is just a result of my Anxiety. Last night my heart was beating a lot higher than normal and really strongly I could feel it throughout my body, this was at 12pm I was in bed couldn't sleep but I repeated those words.I also had a little think back at what could have caused my Anxiety to pop up today and there was a few things I linked to me feeling this way, I had recently argued with a close friend, I was due on so linking the dots to your day to day life and how it could effect your Anxiety really helps.

All the best :)

11-02-2013, 04:03 PM
That is good your mag levels came back normal but almost everyones will. They usually only test the level of magnesium in your blood serum. That doesn't represent the stored levels in your body. Everyone should take magnesium period. But for those with anxiety, high pulse, high blood pressure, depression, insomnia ect it will prove even more beneficial. You have to get the right kind of magnesium too. After months and months of me insisting a friend who has anxiety and bipolar should try it, she finally did. She instantly felt its positive effects. Magnesium is crucial for heart health! It will lower your BP if its high, it will slow your pulse if its too fast, it will calm your anxiety, and it will help you sleep. So all that being said, if you want to try it I can tell you the best product to get. Not in any way trying to sell you something here but ive spent what feels like a million hours on google researching this stuff and what seems like years experimenting myself.

thank you I
Taking one day at a time and when bad worrisome thoughts come my way I remind myself of my test results and repeat the words normal in my mind which is what the doc told me. I've not tried magnesium yet as my mag levels tested normal. I was very low on vitamin d so I'm working on correcting that right now. Thanks for your support!!!

11-03-2013, 07:25 AM
What kind do you recommend ?

11-03-2013, 12:27 PM

It's just powdered Magnesium Citrate but its extremely absorbable and you can really feel the effects. I've tried magnesium pills and I don't like them as much as I like this product. I read a lot of the reviews on amazon before I bought it. You should read some of them and see if you can relate.

If you decide to get magnesium but don't want to go with that product other good types are Magnesium Glycinate, Magnesium Taurate, and Magnesium Citrate. Do NOT waste your money on Magnesium Oxide. It is horribly absorbed. I'd be happy to answer any more questions for you.

I order my stuff online from either Amazon, Iherb, or Swanson. Or I go into a local Vitamin Shoppe but i'm not sure if you have those wherever you live.

11-03-2013, 12:32 PM
There are hundreds of articles and studies out there about Magnesium and all the issues I started earlier but I just read a published study done on mice. This was a quote from it "Compared with controls, Mg2+ deficient mice did indeed display enhanced anxiety-related behaviour in a battery of established anxiety tests."

11-03-2013, 02:56 PM
Thank you !

11-03-2013, 05:36 PM
Sure thing!

Thank you !

11-03-2013, 07:21 PM
Also if there is no evidence of heart damage or blockage or issues , how harmful is it to your heart if your heart rate does stay elevated due to anxiety ? How high is too high and how long is too long ? Also since stopping beta blockers when I exercise my heart rate elevates more than it use to and it elevates a lot quicker, is this normal too? Would love advice if u have ever taken beta blockers thanks so much!!!

I am no doctor, but it is my understanding that the average resting heart rate is between 60-100. I also know that if you're sitting around checking your heart rate constantly (as I do when I am having anxiety), it just makes things worse. It's like a self-fulfilled prophecy. If you have had all of those tests check out negative, then the chances you have any heart problem is about zero. Also, it is my understanding that a fast heart rate during an anxiety attack is not dangerous at all. It is your body's "fight or flight" mechanism kicking into action -- a mechanism that is actually there to protect you from harmful foes (wild tigers, boars, a train coming down the track).

I go through the same thing. I have been to the ER probably a half dozen times thinking I was dying of this or that. The ER staff got sick of me. It appears you are a lot like me in that you have attacks that last hours. None of my doctors have ever told me that anything I have experienced is dangerous to my physical health.

11-04-2013, 07:23 PM
Yes sounds all too familiar . I dwell on the symptoms which makes the anxiety intensify. It's a snowball effect

11-06-2013, 02:39 AM
As someone only recently feeling real anxiety symptoms, my heart rate worries me all the time. It worried me straight into the ER where an EKG and a chest x-ray came back clean. It still worries me that something is wrong and I go into panic mode. I'm seeing a follow up doctor this Monday, so I hope I can get some further reassurance...