View Full Version : Worried!

10-28-2013, 02:40 PM
So ive been havin right sided abdominal pain and had a scan a week ago today tht was clear ie still got the pain and scared that its appendicitis even thou the scan was clear and i started takin amoxicillin the day after for a chest infection and ikno amoxicillin can be used for inflammation of the appendix.

I'm just constantly thinkin and researchin about it :(

10-28-2013, 02:44 PM
here's a quick test....put your thumb in your navel, and place your pinky on your hip bone. Now, press down on your middle finger. that's roundabout where your appendix is. But if it was your appendix, you would be sitting on the toilet all day, vomiting, fever severe pain. I know its hard but you have to tell yourself you are ok. the scan came up negative so you are good to go. just relax and let it pass. I know researching it may take the edge off but you may be doing more harm than good. sit back, relax, and come here if needed.

hope you feel better!

10-28-2013, 02:49 PM
Ive seen so many doctors within the last week or so cuz of it and theyve all said its not appendicitis an the ultrasound scan came back clear bt yet i'm still sat ere worryin about it :(

The pain isnt severe i can styl do my day to day things just now and again i'll get a sharp shootin pain. Was diagnosed with ibs bt hard to believe that ibs can cause all this pain!

Dow now if its cuz i'm fixatin on appendicitis its my biggest fear at the moment

10-28-2013, 04:40 PM
Hi, ive also had this pain and thought it was my appendix. By time i got to see the doctor and she had a good old prod the pain had gone. I get pains like someone is either poking me or a twisting pain, or stinging. I had this pain last year and they checked my appendix with a scan and said it was ok. Well a year on i still have the pain on and off. The last 2-3 weeks ive had a lot of abdominal pain mainly on the right hand side, i dont know if this is related to the same thing or its something else. I have to keep telling myself if it was my appendix i would know about it.

I hope you get it sorted soon.

10-28-2013, 05:04 PM
Ibs can definately give you pain. I've dealt with it for years and I can tell you the pain can bend me in half if its bad enough. Ibs is stress related so your anxiety could be causing it.