View Full Version : Anxiety

10-28-2013, 01:08 PM
Really worried writing this as I'm worried I'll sound stupid, I've been going through a really rough time especially with friends I've lost 1 close friend who turned nasty and felt as though she was bullying me, anyway to the point my heart is constantly really fast I lay awake at night worrying over anything and everything I met some friends last Friday and I didn't feel like I could talk and I had a really bad prickly itch on my wrist which I couldn't stop itching started just before I got there but when I got home I was Okay. I've only spoken to 1 person who was supposed to be a close friend anyway she turned on me and said I was a dramatic attention seeker which hurt so bad. And I've been feeling worse since as all I needed was a friend. I can't stop worrying and the sleepless nights, panicking and worrying is getting too much. I just needed to talk to someone.
Thank you to anyone who reads

10-28-2013, 01:09 PM
P.s I'm not sure I've put this in the right bit

10-28-2013, 08:37 PM
Nothing you say will sound stupid here, believe me. I remember when I wrote my first post. I felt so silly! I also remember feeling like that all the time and being scared but now I know what it is and sometimes I can manage it!

Your so called 'friend' isn't worth having because you aren't being dramatic at all, it is a serious and difficult thing to have and then admit. Believe me, the best thing I did was reach out because then you don't feel so alone! You will be okay, you just have to stay strong!

10-29-2013, 01:10 AM
Thank you. I am no longer in contact with so called friend as it was all making me feel worse when all I wanted was for someone to understand. Had another bad night, I feel like I wake up panicking over sometimes the slightest thing my hearts going like mad and once I'm awake that's it I can't sleep all I'm doing is panicking!
Just don't know where to go from here?

10-29-2013, 04:11 AM
Go to the doctors and find out where it is possible to get help. I go to a psychologist and no matter how much I hate going, it helps. It took me a while to build trust but you can do it. And also being on here is very helpful.

I know it is scary and taking the next step is hard but it will get so much easier

10-29-2013, 04:38 AM
Wish I could comfort you,.sometimes that's all I want is someone that understands and goes through this with me.

10-29-2013, 04:55 AM
Thankyou both, I think I will go to the doctors this week better do it sooner rather than later as I know I'll panic about going there too. Knowing that people understand is so nice and feels good to speak about it. I feel I need to do something not just for me but for my 2 children.

10-29-2013, 06:23 AM
You are definitely not alone, especially here. This is a great place to get information and above all, support. I agree with Kellie you should talk to someone. Waking up feeling anxious and panicky is a horrible feeling. I know it's hard to cope with it when you have children (I have a 2 year old). There has been plenty of times where I would be taking care of him and *bam*, anxiety and panic hits. But, in times like that you just have to plow through it and concentrate on your children. It will go away.

I hope your doctor give you good information and remember you can always come here!

10-29-2013, 09:01 AM
I hope the doctor can help too. I get really panicky about driving too, I have to plan the route in my head or I panic and long distance driving is a no go I worry about what could happen? And parking I park out the way of people as I panic I wouldn't be able to get out 😣😐

10-29-2013, 09:34 AM
Just make sure to be thorough with your doctor and not hide anything. He can't properly diagnose you with all the information.

do you listen to the radio when you drive? if so what kind of music do you listen to?

10-29-2013, 09:38 AM
Yeah I will try to explain everything to them best I can.

I listen to all different radio stations, local one & things like capital FM & radio 1 ??

10-29-2013, 04:22 PM
Yes def explain everything to them. If you feel like you can't find a doc you can really confide in to tell everything. It's important not to hold back cause you will cause yourself more grief.