View Full Version : Roller coaster

10-28-2013, 05:30 AM
Hi Everybody can't sleep tonight as I have a headache in both temples due to my teeth grinding at night thanks for that Anxiety... So was thinking that having anxiety is like a roller coaster ride one minute your up the next your down you can go from having a good day to a bad one in a second. Hope one day we can all get off the ride for good....

10-28-2013, 05:36 AM
Can you not get one of those mouth guards that people who grind their teeth wear? Might help you out some. I agree that we have good times and we have bad times. We never know what will happen next. I like to go with the flow. Whatever happens I will deal with it as it is happening. I'm not one who sits and waits for things to happen. I feel that would be a waste of time. Time I could be doing other things.

10-29-2013, 06:09 PM
I know what you mean about the rollercoaster! I feel the same way. Things just snap from good to bad within seconds. It's crazy. That's why I try to focus on something that requires all of my attention and that way I "forget" about the anxiety. At least I brush those feelings aside for a little while.