View Full Version : Hi everyone!

10-28-2013, 12:24 AM
I'm new to the thread, and I hate to start out like this, but I'm having a rough night. It all started with a trip to the ER about two weeks ago because of extreme dizziness. Blood work and EKG were fine. I have since been seen by 2 doctors (besides the ER doc), and they all have assured me that it's anxiety. I've had anxiety for a long time, but nothing like this. I feel like a zombie. In a constant brain fog. Tonight I decided to do what NO ONE with health anxiety should do... I googled my symptoms. I'm having pressure/pain above and behind one eye and that eye is slightly more blurry than the other (but I can still read and see fine out of it). I'm convinced I have an aneurysm now.... In a complete state of panic. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to reassure myself that I am fine? Or convince myself that I will not die in my sleep?

10-28-2013, 01:55 AM
I totally get how your feeling I've been there. For me it was always blood poisoning a heart attack or dvt that was going to claim me through the night. If you've never had these feelings before I understand how scary they can be. The only thing I can suggest is to try and distract yourself. Don't lie in bed worrying, get up and read, listen to music or watch a random show on tv with a mug of hot chocolate or something. You aren't going to die tonight!! I used to find that with distraction I used to just pass out in the early hours. The only thing I have found that has truly helped me has to be anxiety meds. I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight and you definitely aren't dying tonight

10-28-2013, 01:43 PM
Petrified is exactly right. I as well have experienced exactly what you are describing. The best thing to do is distract your mind. You are very hyper-vigilant. Aware of every little feeling your body experiences. Your mind is so fine tuned on this that it has you worrying about everything. It usually takes one episode to activate it. Mine was one single heart palpitation many years ago. I had never experienced such a sensation and it scared me big time. My mind was now on high alert aware of everything. You must distract your thoughts. As difficult as it may seem to do this find something significant that requires all your attention. Stepping outside in cold weather without a jacket helps me. Not to say I do it often but it sure makes you think about how long it will be before your ass freezes off ;-) Something I would much rather concern my mind with. I also fire up the mp3 player at night with ear buds and relaxation/anxiety music. You can youtube it. Our minds need a bit of re-programming to the place we were before the worry began. It is attainable. Just know that you are stronger than these negative thoughts. I wanted my life back so I took it. You will be just fine.
Keep messaging the forum. There will always be someone here to help you through the tough times.

10-28-2013, 02:50 PM
Feeling terrified is something we all have when this happens. Sorry to hear you are going through it. Anxiety affects us all in different ways, but I can tell you im pretty sure you don't have an aneurism. If you did, you would be either unconscious on the floor, of suffering from very severe headaches to the point where you couldn't function. If the pain behind your eye persists you may have an optical migraine, which is painful but nowhere near the pain of an aneurism.

Try finding something that take all of your focus. Whether it be TV or a hobby or even talking. You will find that dwelling on it will make it worse.

Hope you feel better

10-28-2013, 07:36 PM
Thank you all. I made it through the night, but night has fallen again and the anxiety has started. I went to the doctor today for the headaches. He says they are nothing. I don't believe him. He prescribed Klonopin to help me sleep, but I HATE to take any medication, especially ones like this. I've gotten maybe 10 hours of sleep in the past 7 days. To say I'm a walking zombie is an understatement. I don't feel like myself which only further panics me. Sighhhhh... It'll be another long night. Happy to be here with people to relate and talk to. 😊

Chris C
10-28-2013, 08:04 PM
I recommend trying to take a klonopin to get some sleep. I take 1mg every morning since that's when my anxiety is the worst. It just takes the edge off. Hopefully it will relax you enough to get some rest.

10-28-2013, 11:40 PM
Took the Klonopin... Feeling great!! I know sleep will come soon!