View Full Version : Relationship

10-27-2013, 09:58 PM
Any advice on how not to let my anxiety affect my relationship.....I am very much in love with my boyfriend, and believe he is he "the one".
Its just every time I have a full on panic attack it sets us back weeks and even months....

I am desperate for some solid advice...


Chris C
10-27-2013, 10:16 PM
Is your boyfriend aware of your anxiety issues? Is he supportive? Why do you say it sets you back?

10-28-2013, 12:35 AM
He is supportive, but my panic attacks have been happing more frequently lately so he is getting a little overworked....he says he isnt leaving me, but I know until my issue is resolved or under control we wont take the next step in our relationship and move in together.

He cant even joke around with me without me overthinking it.....