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10-27-2013, 03:02 PM
Please help I'm having a bad panic attack hr 150 real shaky and jittery what can I do!?

10-27-2013, 04:20 PM
What do you usually do when you have a panic attack? I like talking to people and just cleaning up. Just focus on the movements of my hands when I'm cleaning or washing the dishes. Cleaning is good for that because you have to move around instead of sitting still.

10-27-2013, 05:35 PM
This is worse one yet. HR been 150 for two hours, since 1:00 pm I have takin one lortab for pain one flexeril for muscle spasm and two ativan at 0.5mg each. I feel faint I feel like I have overdosed so scared I've drank 5 bottles of water since 1:00pm, please help me I am so scared

10-27-2013, 05:39 PM
Nothing is going to happen. Do you have someone there who you could talk to? I'm feeling pretty down atm too but this will pass and its the same for you too. Its going to be okay soon :)

10-27-2013, 05:39 PM
I get the worst attacks when everyone is offline and have no one to calm me down this is horrible

10-27-2013, 05:44 PM
Nothing is going to happen. Do you have someone there who you could talk to? I'm feeling pretty down atm too but this will pass and its the same for you too. Its going to be okay soon :) I'm in a public place with lots of ppl and once the event ambulance leaves I will freak out cause I feel that is a security for me when they are around, this is so stupid. Do u think there's any chance I have overdosed???

10-27-2013, 05:50 PM
Its okay...you have to believe you will be fine. Is there anyone you can call to speak to them to.....just so you can distract yourself a bit?

I had one of those really bad attacks the other night.....it was tough...there really wasn't anyone I could call at that time of night to talk....it was rough.

I seriously wish there was a hotline that you could call when having an attack.....seriously...just someone to talk to helps sometimes.

But for now...do you have chamomile tea? If so, make some now. It will help to calm you. What I do is lay down, close my eyes, and breathe in deeply through my nose and out through my mouth. Continue to do that until you feel your breathing slow down. Turn on something light on tv...like a comedy or something non serious and not anxiety provoking. ........and tell yourself you are ok. You will be ok....you just have to believe it!

10-27-2013, 05:52 PM
No you haven't overdosed. I remember this one time when I took one codeine tab and then drank a beer and I felt pretty much the same you do now. I was panicky, vomited and was just everywhere. For me I suppose it was the fact that my mind thought that I had done something horribly wrong and reacted that way. Nothing actually happened and I returned to normal as usual.

10-27-2013, 05:53 PM
I'm in a public place with lots of ppl and once the event ambulance leaves I will freak out cause I feel that is a security for me when they are around, this is so stupid. Do u think there's any chance I have overdosed???

No. I don't think you have overdosed. You wouldn't be able to think clearly...let alone type messages on the forum. You took 2 of the .5? That's not bad. You will be fine....

10-27-2013, 06:02 PM
Thank u I hate meds they scare me so much, I could never be a drug addict lol which I guess is a good thing. It has been a looonnnng afternoon and I have made it miserable by worrying every second . I had to stop myself from walking over to the ambulance several times, this is awful

10-27-2013, 06:04 PM
Its okay...you have to believe you will be fine. Is there anyone you can call to speak to them to.....just so you can distract yourself a bit?

I had one of those really bad attacks the other night.....it was tough...there really wasn't anyone I could call at that time of night to talk....it was rough.

I seriously wish there was a hotline that you could call when having an attack.....seriously...just someone to talk to helps sometimes.

But for now...do you have chamomile tea? If so, make some now. It will help to calm you. What I do is lay down, close my eyes, and breathe in deeply through my nose and out through my mouth. Continue to do that until you feel your breathing slow down. Turn on something light on tv...like a comedy or something non serious and not anxiety provoking. ........and tell yourself you are ok. You will be ok....you just have to believe it!

A hotline like that would be an amazing idea. The idea of having someone to turn to helps out so much. I've tried being as social as I can after I got anxiety because loneliness and this disease really don't work well together. Whats the deal with chamomile tea? I guess it doesn't have any caffeine in it like most other teas? I should really try it out

10-27-2013, 06:06 PM
Thank u I hate meds they scare me so much, I could never be a drug addict lol which I guess is a good thing. It has been a looonnnng afternoon and I have made it miserable by worrying every second . I had to stop myself from walking over to the ambulance several times, this is awful

Hehe, same here. I have had problems with drugs but there's just no chance I could do them anymore. I've never taken any meds for anxiety because I'm kinda scared of them even though I know they just help. Going through a rough period here but this will pass soon I know it. Never give up hope!

10-28-2013, 09:42 AM
A hotline like that would be an amazing idea. The idea of having someone to turn to helps out so much. I've tried being as social as I can after I got anxiety because loneliness and this disease really don't work well together. Whats the deal with chamomile tea? I guess it doesn't have any caffeine in it like most other teas? I should really try it out

Chamomile tea naturally calms you.....not sure exactly what's in it, but it really works wonders.....I always make sure I have some here at home. Yes, I'm so surprised they don't have a hotline like that....it would really help a lot of people, myself included. .....I had a rough panic filled night last night. I think I saw every hour.

10-28-2013, 11:13 AM
Chamomile tea naturally calms you.....not sure exactly what's in it, but it really works wonders.....I always make sure I have some here at home. Yes, I'm so surprised they don't have a hotline like that....it would really help a lot of people, myself included. .....I had a rough panic filled night last night. I think I saw every hour.

If there's no caffeine in it then I'm surely going to try it out. Shame you had a bad night but keep strong and think positive. I know its hard but its gotten me over the worst :)

10-28-2013, 05:00 PM
If there's no caffeine in it then I'm surely going to try it out. Shame you had a bad night but keep strong and think positive. I know its hard but its gotten me over the worst :)

Yes, it is caffeine free.....I'm about to go and make some in just a bit. Ive had a horrible day......its a mix of lack of sleep and it is triggering heightened anxiety. I'm trying to keep positive thoughts in my head.......

10-28-2013, 05:08 PM
Right now my only problem is sleep. I don't seem to get tired when its late and I don't know why. Like today I was so tired during the day (slept only 5 hours) but now when I'm supposed to go to bed I'm wide awake. I'm learning to accept it and just deal with the situation. At least I'm getting stuff done. So yeah, I try to think about the positive stuff, too!

10-29-2013, 06:17 AM
Right now my only problem is sleep. I don't seem to get tired when its late and I don't know why. Like today I was so tired during the day (slept only 5 hours) but now when I'm supposed to go to bed I'm wide awake. I'm learning to accept it and just deal with the situation. At least I'm getting stuff done. So yeah, I try to think about the positive stuff, too!

Did you sleep last night? I was in bed by 10, woke up briefly at 12, then slept all night until my alarm went off at 5:55. The tea did the trick!