View Full Version : Alcohol and anxiety

10-27-2013, 02:26 PM


10-27-2013, 02:31 PM
Mine gets a million times worse after iv had a good drink

10-27-2013, 02:32 PM
Mine too mate. Really considering stopping altogether x

10-27-2013, 02:38 PM
Alcohol used to help my anxiety a lot. I drank daily (wine) and quite a lot of it, but not to the point where I was too hungover the next day to function. I would have to say that I was quite a heavy drinker and there's no doubt that alcohol was a crutch for many years, but I was also fully functional and I had a demanding job. And alcohol helped me quite a bit with my anxiety and I was actually able to do a lot of things that, today, I can't because of anxiety.

Then my depression got really bad and I started taking anti-depressant medication. I quit alcohol at that point. Since then I have had periods where I've drunk wine again, but it doesn't seem to do anything for me anymore. I no longer get that pleasant buzz, or any of the other benefits that alcohol used to give me. In fact, it tastes a bit like medicine now!! I'm actually quite bummed about this because I don't think there is anything wrong with going out for a couple of glasses of wine (or staying in for them!), but I just don't enjoy alcohol anymore. I haven't drunk in years now and when I do drink, it no longer helps my anxiety. If anything, it makes it a bit worse. I assume this is because the anti-depressants I take have completely changed the way I react to alcohol.

10-27-2013, 03:29 PM
Mine too mate. Really considering stopping altogether x

And you should. This is the trigger to my anxiety. I used to drink quite heavily and I got hungover just like normal people. Then it got to the point where I started being more anxious in the morning instead of feeling just hungover and in the end I had no physical symptoms from the hangover, just mental ones. I STILL didn't stop drinking which is a decision I regret so much but I have forgiven myself for it. After a night of drinking I woke up with the worst anxiety and went to the ER and the hangover anxiety turned into constant anxiety. I have gotten better but honestly, drinking isn't worth it. Please quit it.

Chris C
10-27-2013, 04:58 PM
If I drink even a moderate amount my anxiety is so much worse the next day. I don't drink at all any more.

10-27-2013, 05:03 PM
If I drink even a moderate amount my anxiety is so much worse the next day. I don't drink at all any more.

Same here. I don't even have a single sip anymore. I'm sure the alcohol from one bottle of beer wouldn't do anything but I still wont drink any at all.

10-27-2013, 05:54 PM
If I drink even a moderate amount my anxiety is so much worse the next day. I don't drink at all any more.

Me too.....it has been about 3-4 years.

10-27-2013, 06:24 PM
Same here. I don't even have a single sip anymore. I'm sure the alcohol from one bottle of beer wouldn't do anything but I still wont drink any at all.

See I wish I could quit because that's what my doctor said and that's what you guys say. I'm in my first month at university and it's in the culture here in Britain that if you don't get wasted levels of drunk at least 2 times a week then ur not getting the "university experience" I'm not sayin I want to quit at all because I don't i do love partying but I do notice it affects my anxiety. Anyone have any hangover anxiety cures?!

10-27-2013, 06:29 PM
See I wish I could quit because that's what my doctor said and that's what you guys say. I'm in my first month at university and it's in the culture here in Britain that if you don't get wasted levels of drunk at least 2 times a week then ur not getting the "university experience" I'm not sayin I want to quit at all because I don't i do love partying but I do notice it affects my anxiety. Anyone have any hangover anxiety cures?!

Its the same here and by not drinking you'll miss out on the "experience". But I can honestly say that the "experience" is not worth this. You don't want to regret the choice trust me. Been there. At least limit it to once a month or so if nothing else. I don't want anyone else to make the same mistake I did.

10-27-2013, 06:33 PM
Its the same here and by not drinking you'll miss out on the "experience". But I can honestly say that the "experience" is not worth this. You don't want to regret the choice trust me. Been there. At least limit it to once a month or so if nothing else. I don't want anyone else to make the same mistake I did.

It's so hard what would I tell these people I hardly know one day that I'm just not drinking anymore. Plus I love partying and I don't think it affects my anxiety too much but id never know coz I've not stopped drinking since I've been like 16 I'm by no imagination an alcoholic by the way. I just wanna enjoy myself

10-27-2013, 06:49 PM
It's so hard what would I tell these people I hardly know one day that I'm just not drinking anymore. Plus I love partying and I don't think it affects my anxiety too much but id never know coz I've not stopped drinking since I've been like 16 I'm by no imagination an alcoholic by the way. I just wanna enjoy myself

I know, same here. There's just a lot of pressure that makes you drink and of course I wanted to party and enjoy myself too but I had to pay so much for it. The thing is that it didn't affect me much either at first but then it slowly creeped in and the bam, I had anxiety. And I even have a friend who goes out drinking every two or three weeks and he has started experiencing the same things as I did. That's why I'm hoping you would find a way to just... not drink. I know it doesn't sound like a very good idea. Its better to quit while you still can instead of when you absolutely have to. Not all people are the same, of course, so it might not affect you the same way as me or my friend.

What I've done now is just tell people that alcohol makes me feel sick, the hangover lasts for a week etc etc. I haven't told them that I have anxiety but they've kinda understood that I can't drink anymore. We do still hang out and do other things sober. Sports is a very good alternative to be around people and have fun.

But anyways, you asked for tips to ease the anxiety. I would say going to see a friend who you were with the last night and just be hungover together. Watch a movie and eat fast food and talk about whatever. Drink as much water as you possibly can before bed. Grab your vitamins and add some salt to the water while you're at it. No nicotine or caffeine before bed or the day after.