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10-27-2013, 10:42 AM
What illnesses scare people the most?

10-27-2013, 11:05 AM
Septicaemia (blood poisoning). I have a fixation with it and not sure why. As soon as I get a temperature that's evidence. Normally I just feel a little hot. I monitor how many times I go to the toilet in a day because that can be a symptom. My causes have been a dental infection, a new tattoo. It used to be dvt as I used to suffer from leg pain.

10-27-2013, 11:31 AM
Mines septecemia at the moment cuz ive got a chest infection :(

Ive also had the fear of havin a dvt
& also gettin appendicitis slight pain in ma right abdomen and i'm sure its that

10-27-2013, 11:36 AM
Ah bless you it the worst thing feeling like this. You sound like me though. That its always something that will kill me quick I worry over instead of long term illnesses like cancer. I'm sorry you feel like this but it's nice to talk to someone that has similar worries. It's nice to no I'm not alone :-)

10-27-2013, 11:41 AM
Yeah my fears are defos things that can just come on rather than long term diseases :(

Think ma septecemia fear comes from ma nan passin away from it last year and i read up on it cuz i didnt have a clue about it and now thats 1 of ma fears aswel as appendicitis :( went hospital and had a abdominal scan done monday and that came up clear bt still have the fear of appendicitis

10-27-2013, 12:36 PM
I no how that feels back and forth to hospital, that used to me all the time. I'm not sure why taking reassurance from the hospital never works its like once that thought is there I just can't get rid of it and I'm convinced its the end for me. I have started on meds and it's been a little easier for me at the minute oh and I've started cbt which I'm hoping is going to help :-)

10-27-2013, 12:49 PM
Yeah i never seem to be able to believe the doctors or hospitals :(

I was gettin better then i started with the abdominal pain and they said my white blood count was elevated (due to chest infection) bt obvz i'm sat ere thinkin its cuz of summat else and my daughters guna be left without a mommy :(

I do take propranolol bt i dnt feel the do anything for me bt do need to start some therapy.

10-27-2013, 01:00 PM
Have you tried an antidepressant as they are supposed to change the way you think a little or so the doctors tell me lol. Yeah that would freak me out too just try and tell yourself you are going to feel crappy with the chest infection I no it's really difficult I used to cry myself to sleep every night because I was so convinced I was dying. I used to just try and tell myself that I had been dying every night for four weeks or however long and nothing serious had happened. It does get easier but I total get the fixating over things.

10-27-2013, 01:07 PM
Havent tried an anti-depressant yet bt was thinkin to go to the doctors and get 1 from them as the last couple of days ive been really emotional.

Ive oni had this for about 10 weeks so its all styl pretty new to me

At 1st it started cuz ma daughter had a big operation i goggled it and it scared me with all the risks and that on there so i was so scared something was goin to happen to her and now its i'm scared something bad will happen to me!

As for the sleepin ive been there even started sleepin with ma mom cuz i was terrified that i'd die in ma sleep :(

Thank you for replyin its nice to now that i'm not alone!

10-27-2013, 01:16 PM
No probs it's only been about 14 weeks or so for me so I get how strange it is. I've never felt like this before and it's very scary. I'm not surprised you felt so scared with your daughters operation it's got to be one of the scariest things ever when our children are ill. I've been really lucky my sons never had a broken bone or anything really other than a common cold. I think for us anxiety sufferers we need to no the answer to everything and if we can't figure it out we look at google for answers. I don't no about you but I always see the worst case scenario and that's what I must have lol.
Yeah I would speak to your doctor and just explain how you feel.
Good luck to you and let us no how you get on :-)

10-27-2013, 01:46 PM
Yeah i defos think the worst case scenario with everything :(

Yeah with my daughters op it was cuz they said they was only doin a angiogram on her and she'd be back within a hour hour and half and 20mins before er op they said they was doin the full op to try and fix er perthes disease and then took er and she was gone for 4 hrz :(

How do u talk urself out of all ur illnesses? Like convince urself its nothin serious cuz at the moment i'm runnin to doctors hospitals everytime i feel theres something wrng

I'm only 23 :( and wanna combat this before it totally takes over my life.

10-27-2013, 01:59 PM
I still struggle now one week I was at a and e 4 times plus doctors and dentist. For me I'm convinced its my meds helping and I stopped googling all the time. They were all really hard to stop doing and I still struggle and if I'm really stressed I go to my gp or post in here and guaranteed there is someone on here that has had the same symptom I am struggling with. My therapist also has me keep a diary of what happens in the day, what triggers I have, how it makes me feel, what goes through my head and what I do when it happens. It's really helping writing it down as often when I see it in black and white I can rationalise it

10-27-2013, 02:08 PM
At the moment my fear bein appendicitis cuz i keep havin right lower abdominal pain by like the top of my hip. Not sure if its ma ibs causin this pain. I have to keep remindin myself that i had a scan at the beginnin of the week and that was clear and seen so many doctors about it bt i styl wake up with the same fear!

Bt i am really bad for googling :(