View Full Version : Help! My 14 Year Old Daughteris Anxious & Won't go to school or leave he house...

10-27-2013, 05:45 AM
We hope to get some advice from this forum if anyone can relate to our dilemma
My 14 year old is suffering anxiety and refuses to go to school and hardly leaves the house.

She is her second year of high school. She finished the first year as very active and happy involved in many activities - school musicals, music lessons, dance classes, academic awards. Earlier in her second year she began missing classes - feeling sick often. This became more and more regular.
We thought it was just something she was physically going through. This continue to become more and more frequent to the extent where she was absent weeks at a time. She has now missed more than half of the school year.

She then got to a stage where she would just refuse to go to school at all despite lots of tears, tantrums by both daughter and parents.
She became extremely withdrawn from most activities and would spend days in her room. She quit all her out of school activities and would refuse to even leave the house to visit relatives. In fact at the time of writing this she hasn't left the house for 3 weeks - not even to the corner store.

She refuses to go to school saying that she can't face the other kids or some of the teachers. She also will not even visit grandparents or relatives or go to the local stores - she cannot face anyone and 'doesn't want to see people'. She is now always angry and rarely leaves her room.
Attempts to get her to leave the house end up in emotional and distressing yelling episodes for everyone.

Every school morning, despite promises the night before to go to school, also ends up the same. We have now given up trying to get her to school. Some nights she goes to bed with a plan to go to school but she will a complete mess and emotional wreck the next morning.

Any attempt to get her to leave the house outside of school will have the same result. She will be a complete emotional mess.

The school tried to assist though its own counsellors. This seemed to minimally work at first, but now has no effect at all. They have tried plans and given her some tools to assist but this hasn't worked.

The school suggested we see an external counsellor. She saw a psychologist who said she suffered from 'social anxiety'. the psych suggested we focus on small steps and just try to get her out of bed, then to breakfast and then to school over a period of time.
The psychologist also tried to get our daughter to visit her regularly to review her progress, however she also refuses to go there. The day of the last planned visit she was again an absolute emotional mess.

The school suggested that bullying may have caused some of this but had no real evidence of this and had not witnessed I so there was nothing they could do determine why she is feeling this way. No other circumstances have changed at home that may have contributed.

This is extremely frightening to us as parents as we know our daughter is missing out on important parts of her education. She is also missing out on what are supposed to be the best years of her life as a young teenager at school as well as away from school.
It is also devastating to us as parents feeling that we have failed to raise our daughter well and that we may have done something wrong in how we have brought her up. It is also shattering to see the impact on my wife who also feels that she is doing her job as a mother and wife.

We have a 12 year old son who is generally shy but don't have this issue. We fear that this may also affect him in some way.

We have all but given up trying to get her to school again this year. As for activities outside of school, the many failed attempts that have ended in frightening tears - we really do not know what to do.... We will try again to get her to see the psych. next week.

Any thoughts, advice, guidance, suggestions for our daughter of for us as parents, we would be very grateful....

10-27-2013, 06:05 AM
I don't know what I can say to help but I know it seems like that it won't get better. She will get better! I used to be just like that. My Mum feels that sometimes there is nothing you can do. She let me do it in my own time and not fuss over me.

Then I went to a psychologist and it slowly got better, I found writing a diary or music had a huge impact on my recovery. My mum would come in and talk to me for a while just to make sure I was okay and if I wanted everything, she always told me It will get easier but there is only so much you can do.

These things helped me, it is a slow and painful process but I promise you it will get better! And sometimes Anxiety just comes out of nowhere, silly brain, nothing could have happened for her to be like this so don't blame yourself, it sounds like you are doing the best you can!
Good luck and stay strong! (:

10-27-2013, 06:16 AM
Thank you Kellie. Trying to stay positive...

10-27-2013, 06:28 AM
Hi Souths, firstly you and your wife seem like amazing parents the fact you have already tried so much to help her. It will get easier I think it's all just trial and error for anxiety and depression anxiety. My 15 year old nephew is exactly the same although he gets violent If anyone tries to get him to leave the house or go to school. He has recently started seeing a psych team that come to his house and they have given his mum a website to try cbt.
The website is http://psychcentral.com/news/2013/08/25/parent-led-cbt-can-lessen-anxiety-in-kids/58844.html

I've just started cbt myself and its great. Also could the school or local council perhaps not offer your daughter online classes or a home tutoring so she's not missing out too much.

I'm sorry your family are having such a rough time right now but things will get easier.

10-27-2013, 06:37 AM
CBT - are you just doing this online

Most teachers are emailing lessons home which is great, but it is not the same as being in a class environment.
We are seeing the school again this week to discuss class work.

Thank you for your encouragement...

10-27-2013, 06:59 AM
No I see a therapist weekly and she's fab just lets me blabber on about all my worries. But there are lots of online courses for it and advice for it. My nephew has been doing it online. If you think cbt might help your daughter alot of the organisations are self referral so perhaps do a search or ask your gp where your local services are. They may even do home visits. I hope you get somewhere with the school and physc this week :-)

10-27-2013, 07:26 AM
No I see a therapist weekly and she's fab just lets me blabber on about all my worries. But there are lots of online courses for it and advice for it. My nephew has been doing it online. If you think cbt might help your daughter alot of the organisations are self referral so perhaps do a search or ask your gp where your local services are. They may even do home visits. I hope you get somewhere with the school and physc this week :-)

I guess CBT is what the psych has planned for her - if we can actually get her there

10-27-2013, 08:09 AM
It's not your fault first of all. She may just be predisposed to anxiety and this may be something she can get over in time.

Have you ruled out any kind of drug use on her part(sorry, have to ask)?

Has she had blood tests on thyroid, etc done? For some puberty coming on/going through can be much harder than most. Just a possibility.

While a psychologist is the place to start at some point a pediatric/child psychiatrist should be consulted if no progress can be made with the psychologist alone. Just my take. Alankay

10-27-2013, 10:23 AM
I second Alankay's comments.

10-28-2013, 01:38 AM
It's not your fault first of all. She may just be predisposed to anxiety and this may be something she can get over in time.

Have you ruled out any kind of drug use on her part(sorry, have to ask)?

Has she had blood tests on thyroid, etc done? For some puberty coming on/going through can be much harder than most. Just a possibility.

While a psychologist is the place to start at some point a pediatric/child psychiatrist should be consulted if no progress can be made with the psychologist alone. Just my take. Alankay

quite sure it's not drugs - she is still quite innocent for drugs. Haven't tested thyroid, hoping it is just puberty.
We'll raise your suggestions wit the psych later in the week. Thanks again