View Full Version : Night times.

10-26-2013, 06:46 PM
Every night for the past week I have been getting very strange sensations...

I will suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, my whole body or sometimes just arms will go completely numb and sometimes tingly. I will feel like I am about to stop breathing and my chest feels completely clogged. I will feel I have to inhale deeply to be able to breathe. I just got up (1:44am) I feel really tingly and like I am going to collapse. I have sat down for a bit and had a drink but I am worried it will come back. My health anxiety has made me a paranoid wreck. Does anyone else ever get these night time experiences? I am scared.

Thank you!

10-26-2013, 07:17 PM
You got this if it comes back :) You got it. Keep talking yourself down. Whenever it feels hard -- Turn the light on, comfort yourself gently like you would do a crying baby, smile (force one if need be), laugh a little at how some adrenaline can cause all THIS, and shake out that tension. You got it handled! Remind yourself of this over and over and over and over and over again!

Night time was always twice as scary for me. Catches you by surprise, doesn't it.

Rain in Londons quite relaxing right now

10-26-2013, 07:18 PM
Every night for the past week I have been getting very strange sensations...

Your symptoms are very normal, especially the tingling sensations. When you're calm, try practicing some breathing exercises to help you later. If you don't know any, breathe in through your nose for four seconds (make sure your stomach is rising, not your chest) and out your mouth for four seconds. Make sure it's slow, and you're getting plenty of air. Try not to wait until you have the attack to do it the first time; practice it so you can get use to it, so when it does happen you'll be able to call the breathing exercise easily.

When does happen, tell your body this is a normal sensation, and you've survived and gotten over it before. YOU are in control and nothing can hurt you. Don't fight it--accept it, embrace it, and know that nothing can happen to you.

When you go to bed, try making some tea and playing some music to lull you to sleep. Hope this helps.