View Full Version : Hey.. Newbie & Confused

10-26-2013, 04:05 PM
Hey guys and girls, my name is Robyn and I'm 24 years old, now I've always been a worrier but just lately I've noticed it's getting quite out of hand, I get nervous and panic over something that hasn't happened, isn't likely to happen, but if did happen wouldn't even really be a big deal, doU friends like me? Have I upset someone? Is so and so going to have a go at me?? I'm constantly fretting and I can feel my whole body rush and my temperature starting to soar, feeling my heart getting faster and not being able to breathe properly. I'm always overthinking before I speak and getting myself worked up, can any one relate to this and maybe shed some light on what I'm going through? Thanks for listening xx

10-26-2013, 07:41 PM
Hey Robyn, Where you from?

It sounds like your mind doesn't get to relax much :)

I'm guessing most of us here have/had similar troubles. It does sound like 'standard' anxiety though -- which is good news, as you should be able to pretty much get over this thing. I'm real confident of that.

Have you had any CBT/ psychotherapy yet? I think it would help with things an awful lot.

10-26-2013, 08:00 PM
Just ask yourself, "if this DID happen, what's the worst that could result from it?" You'll realize that it's not all that bad. Also, on your free time, try writing down these negative thoughts, writing a positive opposite to each one, and replacing each negative thought with the positive one.
When you feel a panic attack coming on, know that you've been through this before and that YOU are in control of the situation. You've survived it before and nothing has changed as a result of the individual panic attack. Don't fight it; just let the sensation pass. If you need breathing techniques, just ask.

10-27-2013, 03:21 AM
Hey guys and girls, my name is Robyn and I'm 24 years old, now I've always been a worrier but just lately I've noticed it's getting quite out of hand, I get nervous and panic over something that hasn't happened, isn't likely to happen, but if did happen wouldn't even really be a big deal, doU friends like me? Have I upset someone? Is so and so going to have a go at me?? I'm constantly fretting and I can feel my whole body rush and my temperature starting to soar, feeling my heart getting faster and not being able to breathe properly. I'm always overthinking before I speak and getting myself worked up, can any one relate to this and maybe shed some light on what I'm going through? Thanks for listening xx

Hi there. Yes, this is very much me. I tend to be very quiet, timid and withdrawn, afraid of upsetting or offending someone. Many times, I see others in my workplace that seem preoccupied, aloof or quiet and I think I have done something wrong. I will always ask, "Is everything okay, did I do something wrong?" and inevitably the other person says something totally unrelated to me.

I think it is a sign of generalized anxiety, that you are always thinking of yourself in relation to others. But I can totally relate. Btw, nice profile pic.

10-27-2013, 03:45 AM
Hi there. Yes, this is very much me. I tend to be very quiet, timid and withdrawn, afraid of upsetting or offending someone. Many times, I see others in my workplace that seem preoccupied, aloof or quiet and I think I have done something wrong. I will always ask, "Is everything okay, did I do something wrong?" and inevitably the other person says something totally unrelated to me. I think it is a sign of generalized anxiety, that you are always thinking of yourself in relation to others. But I can totally relate. Btw, nice profile pic.

I also can relate massively. Someone doesn't reply to me or doesn't reply in the way I expected I straight away start fretting at why this is. "What did I do? They hate me?" And then I get myself into a confrontation about it making the situation worse. It is so horrible because you can't explain to them afterwards when ur fine that that's not u it's ur anxiety a lot of people will consider u stressy or clingy but again it's not you. But the bright side I've been told is that you can get over this. If it's really bothering you do visit your doctor and don't be scared about it. Tell them that ur a worrier and maybe do some research on GAD generalised anxiety disorder. One good thing to know is that your not alone. We here can relate to this and help you through :)
Stay strong

10-27-2013, 04:15 AM
Hey Robyn, Where you from?

It sounds like your mind doesn't get to relax much :)

I'm guessing most of us here have/had similar troubles. It does sound like 'standard' anxiety though -- which is good news, as you should be able to pretty much get over this thing. I'm real confident of that.

Have you had any CBT/ psychotherapy yet? I think it would help with things an awful lot.

Hey, I'm from Folkestone in Kent.
No I haven't had and psychotherapy or cbt, what is cbt?
I've been offered counselling from my GP but I just haven't pursued it, I really should.. When the panic is gone and the worry has eased I convince myself I'll be ok and just forget about it... Until the next time..

Thankyou for taking the time to reply.

Robyn x

10-27-2013, 04:17 AM
Just ask yourself, "if this DID happen, what's the worst that could result from it?" You'll realize that it's not all that bad. Also, on your free time, try writing down these negative thoughts, writing a positive opposite to each one, and replacing each negative thought with the positive one.
When you feel a panic attack coming on, know that you've been through this before and that YOU are in control of the situation. You've survived it before and nothing has changed as a result of the individual panic attack. Don't fight it; just let the sensation pass. If you need breathing techniques, just ask.

Thankyou for taking the time to reply, some breathing techniques would be a real help :)

Thankyou x

10-27-2013, 04:19 AM
Thankyou for taking the time to reply, some breathing techniques would be a real help :) Thankyou x

Yeah I also completely get what you mean by when u feel fine u can't accept it's a problem. I did the same I visited my gp and for a year I denied that I needed help. Once u accept that you have a problem is the only time things can begin to get better

10-27-2013, 04:21 AM
Hi there. Yes, this is very much me. I tend to be very quiet, timid and withdrawn, afraid of upsetting or offending someone. Many times, I see others in my workplace that seem preoccupied, aloof or quiet and I think I have done something wrong. I will always ask, "Is everything okay, did I do something wrong?" and inevitably the other person says something totally unrelated to me.

I think it is a sign of generalized anxiety, that you are always thinking of yourself in relation to others. But I can totally relate. Btw, nice profile pic.

Hey, yeah I always think if someone is upset or seeming offish that it's my fault or they suddenly don't like me, I have lots of friends who reassure me I haven't done anything and it's all in my head, doesn't stop the way I think though. Glad someone else can relate to me.

Thankyou for taking the time to reply.

Robyn x

10-27-2013, 04:30 AM
I also can relate massively. Someone doesn't reply to me or doesn't reply in the way I expected I straight away start fretting at why this is. "What did I do? They hate me?" And then I get myself into a confrontation about it making the situation worse. It is so horrible because you can't explain to them afterwards when ur fine that that's not u it's ur anxiety a lot of people will consider u stressy or clingy but again it's not you. But the bright side I've been told is that you can get over this. If it's really bothering you do visit your doctor and don't be scared about it. Tell them that ur a worrier and maybe do some research on GAD generalised anxiety disorder. One good thing to know is that your not alone. We here can relate to this and help you through :)
Stay strong

Hey, thanks for taking the time to reply.
Yeah I can seem very stressy to others because of my anxiety and troubled thoughts, in constant need of reassurance would appear clingy, it isn't me though it's my brain, I can have good days and bad days, and last night was a bad night which is why i looked for a site like this, I'm going to do some research on this GAD.

Thankyou, Robyn x

10-27-2013, 04:31 AM
Hey, yeah I always think if someone is upset or seeming offish that it's my fault or they suddenly don't like me, I have lots of friends who reassure me I haven't done anything and it's all in my head, doesn't stop the way I think though. Glad someone else can relate to me. Thankyou for taking the time to reply. Robyn x

You need good friends who understand it to get through this because often I've found friends / ex girlfriend think that I'm crazy or "unstable" because I have such crazy fears about people's opinions about me. If they don't understand when uve given them all the information you can then they just shouldn't be your friend often arguments will occur because of it. But remember your not a bad person at all

10-27-2013, 04:50 AM
You need good friends who understand it to get through this because often I've found friends / ex girlfriend think that I'm crazy or "unstable" because I have such crazy fears about people's opinions about me. If they don't understand when uve given them all the information you can then they just shouldn't be your friend often arguments will occur because of it. But remember your not a bad person at all

I never used to be like this, it's just developed over the years, I hate that people's opinions bother me so much, I shouldn't care what anyone thinks of me and just be happy, but it's just constant negative thoughts about people's perception of me.

10-27-2013, 05:21 AM
I never used to be like this, it's just developed over the years, I hate that people's opinions bother me so much, I shouldn't care what anyone thinks of me and just be happy, but it's just constant negative thoughts about people's perception of me.

Well it's good for me (as probably you) to know ur not alone. I just hope u look to receive help and accept that sometimes you can't make it through these things on your own. I also hope you have a good support network of friends and family

10-27-2013, 06:13 AM
Well I think it's time I went and saw the councilor that my GP suggested.

10-27-2013, 09:02 AM
Well I think it's time I went and saw the councilor that my GP suggested.

Let us know how you get on :)

10-27-2013, 10:09 AM
Will do :) thanks everyone x