View Full Version : First time "branching out"

10-26-2013, 01:27 PM
Well I am new here, I have been utterly consumed by my anxiety. It is a living, breathing, completely self aware entity in my mind. I need help. I need someone. I understand the s***. I get all the "you just need to try being positive" and "just let it go" and "well if you'd just FORCE yourself past this, you'd get over it" BS that people who, I'm sure meaning well, have never gone thru this type of anxiety try and "suggest" to you. Knowing good and well that we have tried all of that AND MORE.

I am just looking to find someone to talk me thru this, and in return I would love to do my best to make this Fked up world a little brighter for you.

10-26-2013, 02:16 PM
Well I am new here, I have been utterly consumed by my anxiety. It is a living, breathing, completely self aware entity in my mind. I need help. I need someone. I understand the s***. I get all the "you just need to try being positive" and "just let it go" and "well if you'd just FORCE yourself past this, you'd get over it" BS that people who, I'm sure meaning well, have never gone thru this type of anxiety try and "suggest" to you. Knowing good and well that we have tried all of that AND MORE. I am just looking to find someone to talk me thru this, and in return I would love to do my best to make this Fked up world a little brighter for you.

Well, welcome aboard. Sorry you have to be here but a good place to be if you are looking for support.

People that don't understand the whole anxiety thing can't put themselves in our heads.

As annoying as it is, it really isn't their fault. That's what they would do, and more importantly, can do

I am not one to say " just be more positive."

That being said, reading your post, it really is full of negativity

Being cynical about life in general would make it difficult for anyone to heal from anxiety

Your head needs to be in a good place. I know there must be things and people in your life that make you happy

Surround yourself with those things and your mind should open up a little to let the healing process begin.

Anxiety is a frustrating and debilitating

I hope you find your peace soon.

10-26-2013, 02:51 PM
Welcome to AF, NoStranger.. :)

This is a great place for advice and support; all of us here are mostly afflicted here with anxiety in one form or another...I get the thing about people who don't have anxiety not totally understanding how we feel, and it's not as simple as "be more positive, mind over matter yadda yadda...." But on the reverse side, I can only imagine what we put them through when we are freaking out. With anxiety, to me, it's a giant killing spider; to them it's a little speck of a bug that does no harm. So I could see how they would be like, "Just get over it." --Er, yeah right, don't you see how big that spider is?!" lol ...so it's tough for both parties...but anyways, glad to have you join our lil' community, and hope this place helps you !

10-26-2013, 02:59 PM
It is very hard for me to remain positive. I have tried, but ever since I became sick...things look bleak. I've had such bad anxiety during these last few months than I have ever had in my life. :/

That being said, I do have people in my life that love me, you are right on that one. And I love them too. They have become my sole reason to keep going and keep fighting. I am trying to regain my Faith in God...but I've been thrown a few curveballs and its hard for me to recover before the next pitch, so to speak.