View Full Version : My Story, Now I'm over it

01-01-2008, 04:07 AM
It all started when I was young. But I really didn't notice what I had till may of 2007. In august of 2006, I was feeling weird, I'd get muscle pains for no reasons, numbness and a rapid heart beat. I didn't know what was going on and I was worrying a lot. I honestly thought I had cancer. I know it sounds stupid but I was really bad at this point. Early on one september night. I would say around 6pm, I was worrying like crazy for an unknown reason. I was getting really dizzy and my heart was beating really really hard. I went to the hospital with my mom cause I had no idea what was going on. (I am 20 right now). Doctors didn't know what happenend and they let me go. From then on I don't think I ever felt normal until may.

I was constantly worrying all day long and didn't know what to do. I felt these weird pains and aches. I honestly went onto the internet and searched the symptoms some showed cancer and thats what kept getting me worried. Even after I took a bloodtest and it said I was really healthy and fine. I kept worrying, I didn't know what was wrong.

When may came around I really found out what was wrong, after searching the internet more and going to a really good doctor, I realized I was suffering from anxiety. It all made sense. And from then on I was helping myself.

I really don't know how I can get people to help themselves get over anxiety but I did. I just got over it. I honestly think to myself "what is the point of worrying?, you only live once, make the most of it, don't care what other people think, just live your life." This honestly helps me a lot. Think about it. You shouldn't go your whole life worrying about stupid things. It is all in your head, you just have to beat it. I love my life right now and you should too.

01-02-2008, 06:03 AM
Hi cdub, well it is good to hear you got over it. Unfortunately it is easier said than done for most severe anxiety suffers. Although everything you said makes perfect sense.