View Full Version : Constant Face Pressure - Is this fully anxiety?

10-26-2013, 10:26 AM
Hey Everyone!

For the past 4 months I have been suffering with constant facial pressure. It is focused on my forehead, eyes and cheeks. This started right before summer when I was out jogging. I got home and lied down to stretch on the floor. This is when this pressure hit me. In addition to that I had a massive anxiety attack that night, due to me not understanding what was happening. Before I go on I should mention, that I have had a history of anxiety related problems. 4 years ago I suffered from agoraphobia. I was hunkered down, at home for a year. With therapy and physical exercise I was able to overcome this problem. Then a year ago I had stomach related problems, which my GP is pointed towards it being IBS. Due to this problem I started to get anxiety attacks again. Especially when outside and my stomach wasn't feeling well, I would panic as I always needed to know where a bathroom was. I wasn't able to take any sort of public transportation, but was able to go to work, gym and the grocery store. So things were not so bad in relation to anxiety, until the last 4 months after my face pressure incident.

Ever since that night my face pressure has not gone. It feels like I am constantly drunk, without the fun part. Because of this pressure, this causes "brain fog" and at times extreme dizziness. My anxiety has gotten so much worse and its once again difficult to leave my home. I've done blood, x-ray (sinus), CT (brain) tests and everything turned out good. I've seen several doctors, went to an ENT; sent twice to the ER and nothing. I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure, since when I came to my GP I was very nervous. I was put on pills. Didn't help. I then did allergy tests and was put on antihistamines as well as Nasonex for my sinus as the face pressure would point to a sinus problem. My GP also put me on antibiotics for my sinus and no luck either. My GP setup a time for an MRI, however this can only be done in Dec.

So I went to see another doctor and he prescribed me with 50 mg SSRI (Sertraline, similar to Zoloft) to help me with my anxiety as its ruining my life. I would love to get my anxiety under control, however is this pressure what I am feeling something that could be caused by anxiety? I know anxiety can cause very physically symptoms when an attack is happening, but can it be constant?

Thanks for any help

10-30-2013, 12:01 PM
I am currently suffering the same feelings, and have been for about the past month. I have no idea what is causing it, besides possibly just being anxious and tense 24/7. I can feel when I tense up so I try to be aware of that. I have had my blood pressure checked and it was normal, when it's high it's always because of my anxiety/panic attacks. I also am on Zoloft, this is my 2nd week going up to 100mg.

11-03-2013, 09:46 PM
I get this too. Feels like someone is pressing their thumb really hard on my left check and it's a numbing feeling. Probably tension from your face muscles

11-12-2013, 05:41 AM
I'm on my 4th week of Zoloft, I'm still on 50 mg as I get all nervous and got some major anxiety attacks during the first weeks and didn't want to up my dose just yet. The doc got me Valium to help when I have a major anxiety attacks yesterday. I can say that after 3 weeks I am starting to feel better "mentally". My head/face pressure isn't gone, but it seems to be getting easier to deal with. I was actually able to leave my home the last 3 days, which was a huge step forward for me. I am still dealing with certain side effects of Zoloft. I currently just feel very weak. My back feels sore, basically feel like I have the flu. I am pushing forward and hope this side effect will go over soon. Hows it going for ya'll?

11-12-2013, 12:05 PM
It's interesting the pressure is in your face. When did you say it started? Were there specific events that were happening around that time?

11-29-2013, 03:22 AM
It's interesting the pressure is in your face. When did you say it started? Were there specific events that were happening around that time?

Yeah, it is really strange. It started right at the end of May. The intense forehead pressure started one night after I went out for a run. I pushed it a little harder then usual that evening. When I got home I got to the ground to stretch. When I lied on down this is when it hit me. That is also when I got an anxiety attack as I didn't understand what was going on. During that time I hit the gym at least 6 times a week. I was working on building muscle mass and was taking the usual suspects of supplements. One of those supplements was Jack3d, which has been banned at least once by the FDA. Before the "incident", I do recall during that week that I started feeling really tired. At the time I simply thought it was due to work and well hitting the gym, so I continued with my routine. Then that Sunday evening happened. I haven't hit the gym since then and still have a hard time getting to work. I lost 22 pounds since then. I also stopped all supplements, went on a gluten free diet and the worst part no more caffeine. That is the hardest part, lol. For some reason if I drink caffeine or anything that boosts your energy level, my heart just starts going crazy. Guess its anxiety. Plus, I can't take caffeine cause my IBS then acts up. I should also mention my IBS has gotten 70% since this all started. I assume this is due to all the stress as docs found nothing wrong with my tummy.

My SSRI's I can say are helping with my anxiety. I have been able to go out a lot more lately. I was able to hit a mall and take a cab on my own, which was epic for me. I hate public transportation. Next step, is to take a bus. The medication hasn't really helped with my forehead pressure, however it has helped to deal with the situation in general. I have my MRI next week and will look into acupuncture and a chiropractor thereafter. I got access to Valium as well, only taken it once and it made me feel like a zombie for 2 days. Was a lot more depressed when on it, although it did make me relax. I don't plan on taking it unless I really have a major anxiety attack.