View Full Version : Excitement

10-26-2013, 05:53 AM
Does anyone else get excitement and anxiety mixed up? I always find when I'm looking forward to seeing my boyfriend I'm excited and then get anxious because of it I think? Wondered if anyone elSe had the same

10-26-2013, 08:24 AM
Does anyone else get excitement and anxiety mixed up? I always find when I'm looking forward to seeing my boyfriend I'm excited and then get anxious because of it I think? Wondered if anyone elSe had the same

Very similar if not the same.

I get anxious to get to the weekends but it doesn't concern me.

Anxiety is great and needed, just not in the false threat way.

So be anxious about seeing your boyfriend.

Tell him he better be anxious to see you.

You should have no concerns about this.

10-26-2013, 05:59 PM
I think the problem is I get the two confused and iv taught myself that the excited feeling is anxiety coming and freak out as tho it's a bad thing. Trouble is I only see him a couple if times a week due to work and him living further away so I get so excited to see him. I need to learn that it's a good feeling

10-26-2013, 09:49 PM
It's a really good point that anxiety and excitement feel very similar. And makes total sense since they both involve adrenaline. Funnily enough I have recently started trying to trick myself into believing I'm just excited when I feel anxious. I actually find excitement to be a pleasurable feeling.

Of course, it can be a bit difficult making myself believe I'm excited if I'm not actually looking forward to anything, but a couple of times it really has worked! So much depends on what you tell yourself.

Really hope you're able to stick with the pure excitement feelings and enjoy them (and the time with your BF)!

10-29-2013, 02:39 PM
Ye I get mine mixed up sooooo much it's horrible.