View Full Version : I just don't understand

10-26-2013, 02:01 AM
Had a bunch of heart test done and all came back "fine" aside from mild Mitral Valve Prolapse. I got the results yesterday and was feeling pretty good. Today wasn't bad either and then this evening, WHAM!! Heart flutters like CRAZY!! I keep trying to tell myself, it's just anxiety and your hearts fine, but it's not working. The flip flopping all over the place is driving me insane. I just don't get it. How could my heart be fine, but still not beat right? I know it may be elementary, but when the hearts beating abnormal it's hard not to worry!!!

10-26-2013, 04:42 AM
I think we tend to focus more of something once it kicks in. Thus feeding the fear. Plus we have our great subconscious mind. We like to think we are not even thinking of certain things. But it is there on a subconscious level. Just waiting. The second anything happens, it jumps out at us and begins to play tricks with our mind. Telling us it has to be something much worse. But you had your tests done. All seems to be fine there. Check you tube out. Such excellent videos on there to help you relax. Always worth watching.