View Full Version : Tired of being a hypochondriac

10-25-2013, 11:22 PM
I am so done with being this way. I'm not kidding when I say it's one illness after another. As soon as I get over one then I think I have another, or I think my kids have something. I've gone from thinking I have lung cancer to scleroderma to leukemia, you name it. Same with my kids. I take everything I read and hear to heart and it sticks in my head. I find myself googling symptoms over and over just to reassure myself I either do or don't have something going on. I'm just losing it when it comes to health and I don't know why or how it got this bad. I remember that from a young age, around 11, that I was always worried there was something wrong with me and it's continued until now and I'm in my mid 30's. It's just been way bad this year. I miss being "normal" in that I wasn't so obsessed with every symptom that one of us had popped up with. I have no insurance anymore to run to the dr each time I think I have a terminal illness but maybe that's a good thing. My kids do have insurance though so it's tempting when I have a fear. I mean I had my sons pediatrician test him for leukemia because I had convinced myself he had it due to a couple symptoms. I am not taking anything regularly mostly because I have lorazepam and it makes me so loopy and dizzy that I'm not ever in a good position to be able to take a whole one plus as I said no insurance to keep refilling it anyway. I don't know how much longer I can keep being this way though. My family knows I'm a worrier but they don't know the extent of how bad I worry. Just tonight I've been freaking out because my daughter has a few scratch marks on her cheek that we don't know exactly how they got there so of course I google and then I end up depressed. How do I stop this nasty cycle? I don't want my kids being the same way or remembering me as always freaking out over every little thing.

Chris C
10-25-2013, 11:31 PM
I used to have some bad health anxiety. The one piece of advice I would offer is to really try to not google or look up symptoms. Symptoms can be common across so many things that you will just get yourself worked up when you see all those potentials. I've found in my own life that if something is really truly wrong physically you will know it.