View Full Version : Melanoma?

10-25-2013, 03:42 PM
Went to the doc and had my skin checked. All is well. But when I got home I realized I forgot to have her check one spot that is "hidden". I'm hoping back in a week to have it looked at and to get my flu shot.

Do you think waiting a week is going to hurt me? I'm worried that I should be there now in case it spreads. Like, this week could have saved my life but instead I just waited.


10-25-2013, 03:53 PM
How big is it?

Edit: plus I'm glad you're *very close* to having a melanoma all clear!

10-25-2013, 04:02 PM
It measures big. 7mm x 5mm. But a lot of my other cleared melanomas are large too. Around 6 and 7mm.

It same color all around. A little misshapen. Can't tell if it's grown or not because I didn't take pictures of it when I first noticed it.

Tmi, but I'm 7 mo pregnant, and my boobs have "expanded" if you will. The spot is right on the boob.

Lol, I can't believe I'm typing this.

Could be the mole looks bigger because of that...I know it was there 6 mo ago, but I seriously can't remember how big it was, or even if the doc noticed it then.

I'm trying to tell myself a week will be ok. But, that dang "what if" keeps knocking on my brain!

10-25-2013, 04:18 PM
It measures big. 7mm x 5mm. But a lot of my other cleared melanomas are large too. Around 6 and 7mm.

It same color all around. A little misshapen. Can't tell if it's grown or not because I didn't take pictures of it when I first noticed it.

Tmi, but I'm 7 mo pregnant, and my boobs have "expanded" if you will. The spot is right on the boob.

Lol, I can't believe I'm typing this.

Could be the mole looks bigger because of that...I know it was there 6 mo ago, but I seriously can't remember how big it was, or even if the doc noticed it then.

I'm trying to tell myself a week will be ok. But, that dang "what if" keeps knocking on my brain!

Lol, boobs will be boobs right! A first on the AF for me actually- boob talk! Kinda important info, so dont sweat it, sometimes TMI gotta be said!!

Not long left till births due defmunel! You have sex/names ready, or are you taking it as it comes?

Do you have any reason to suspect melanoma could be a problem, or is it an anxiety fear?

How does it stack up on the ABCD chart?


If it doesnt resemble much on the chart and your lifestyle doesnt point to danger, I kinda think you'd be ok for a week. But I'm not a real doctor, I only dress up as one on halloween. :)

10-25-2013, 04:41 PM
Lol jessed. I don't recall ever reading boob talk on Af either.

The only thing that it resembles is size and asymmetry.

I wish I'd kept track if it has grown or not. I'm going to try and not let it take over me.

Oh yeah, it's more of a fear of melanoma. I've had two people close to me die from it. It seems more common than id like. :(

10-25-2013, 05:01 PM
Get someone to check it too, from another angle, if they agree, get it looked at. Not worth the worry waiting a week when pregnant, ya know. Its clearly something thats caused a lot of problems in your life, seems a worry that would hit you pretty hard given its sad history.

10-25-2013, 05:10 PM
Hard to let someone other than my hubs ad doc look at it. My brother is a physician assistant. I'd send him a pic of it, buuuuuuut...don't really wanna show my brother my boob. Lol!

I've explained to him what it looks like, and my concern. He says to just watch it, but not worry. I'm sure waiting a week will be ok. I suppose it's just the wait that gives me the most anxiety.

I wish I'd remembered when I was at the doc yesterday! I don't know why I forgot! :'(

10-25-2013, 05:33 PM
Yeah, it'd make a horribly awkward thanksgiving with your brother huh; "Hey defmunel, I'm about to carve, do you want leg or br....." *awkward silence*


His advice sounds good, I mean a week isnt long at all if it isnt bad, and he works in medicine. Its that peace of mind sometimes, makes it hard to wait. Ah.

You seem calmer than like a year ago though. How do you feel your anxiety is these days, getting better? The same?.... Worse? (I hope not)

10-25-2013, 06:32 PM
Ya, much calmer than a year ago. Even my pcp was impressed. I think my pregnancy hormones are giving me that calming effect. It's been great. I'm hoping to keep it up, post partum.

Lol, carving the turkey. Drum stick or br.... Ya. Better not send that picture.

What's new here? I actually don't come around that often anymore. I realized that reading other people anxiety stories made me more anxious. Maybe I'm dumb, but I'd rather live in ignorance.

Thanks for your replies. Glad there's someone out there that can find humor in my weird situation rather than make a big deal out of it. Laughter is the best medicine. :)