View Full Version : is there such thing as...

10-25-2013, 02:52 PM
pure physical anxiety? I heard some one mention they had that :-/

10-25-2013, 03:40 PM
Yeah, kinda.

It usually always accompanies a health complaint. People with anemia or low blood sugar may get it for instance. Thyroid too can affect it. Mainly physical symptoms with very little mental input/output.

I guess regular anxiety sufferers get it too, I would imagine for those though, perhaps anxiety is just a habit after time, or they do have some mental anxiety, but its hidden and comes out more in the body. :)

10-26-2013, 05:13 AM
Thanks Jesse!
I think that's me too, to be honest.. I have been dealing with these physical symptoms (palps, shortness of breathe, chest and arm pains) over the last 8 month and most the time I don't really feel anxious. But doctors insist it's anxiety. Wish they would just go away! I do have good days once in a while.

10-26-2013, 05:58 AM
This is me too, I have the palpitations, chest and arm pain, pounding heart, shortness of breath but I hardly ever feel anxious. Even when I do get anxious my heart rate is still in the 70's never races or anything.

10-26-2013, 10:28 AM
What did your doctors say about it? is the symptoms an everyday thing? mine are it's too annoying!

10-26-2013, 12:14 PM
The symptoms vary from day to day. As far as my doctors can tell there is nothing wrong with my heart at all. I've had 2 echos, ekgs, stress test, nuclear imaging and all have came back fine.

10-26-2013, 03:15 PM
I get the chest pain and arm pain a lot,although most times I don't feel anxious,but when I focus on the pains,my anxiety goes through the roof!!!!!

11-03-2013, 10:31 PM
My anxiety is purely physical pain. It's just the brain telling is that it's something bad when it's just all in the head. It's the adrenaline and tense muscles