View Full Version : Do i have anxiety?

10-24-2013, 11:56 PM
Hey everyone. I have been seeing this girl who told me that she has anxiety and it makes her depressed and sometimes not very fun to be around. I knew a little bit about anxiety but not a whole lot.

After doing some research I think that I might have anxiety too, I always think something bad is going to happen. If I don't hear from her for like an hour I automatically think I did something wrong. I have been waking up still tired and not wanting to get out of bed :/. I feel sad and alone if I'm not around people.

I took a little test online and it says I have "existential anxiety" not sure what that is all about or even if the test was accurate. I have wanted to look into going and seeing a therapist but I'm not sure where to start with that.

I also want this girl to know I'm here for her and that I want us to be a team and be there for each other and I'd like to start a real relationship. I read that to help I could keep her active like being out and doing things to help take the mind off things so we are going to a hockey game tomorrow and then she was going to come back to my place to watch the last two episodes of Marvel agents of shield. We made a deal to watch the show together.

Any thoughts on my issue and if there are any online tests that could help me sort it out? What can I do to prove to her that I'm here for her how should I approach asking her to be my girlfriend as I know right now she's kind of in one of her depression slumps.

I'm even getting stressed out and anxious about this post because I just want everything to work out and I don't know if anyone will even answer :(

10-25-2013, 01:31 AM
If you really really want to know.. See your doctor about getting referred to a psychiatrist that can make a more accurate diagnosis. There are many other mental health issues that have anxiety symptoms too. Or you could be over thinking the whole issue.
For eg when in was in college and took abnormal psychology I kept asking myself in my head ' do I have this? This sounds like me??' But I was over looking into things. Ugh if really was my OCD! Lol.
So to know for sure see one---- or more psychiatrists that can diagnosis and suggest treatment ( medication, therapy, CBT, etc)

10-25-2013, 04:55 AM
Yes I agree you need to speak to someone it sounds like you could have anxiety and it's not easy to deal with.

All you can do is be there for this girl take it slow try and make her see that you are someone she can talk to and trust. But please make sure before you do this that you are willing to be around when things get really hard. My boyfriend always promised he'd be there but now things are getting tough and he has his own issues he can't deal with mine and is contemplating leaving me which is leaving me feeling destroyed and betrayed after I trusted him. Don't let her down you have to be willing to do go through everything with her...

10-25-2013, 10:15 AM
There's all kinds of different anxiety, all kinds of different little creative evils...'cause variety is the spice of life, right? And anxiety shouldn't be excluded from variety! With that being said, sorry about getting the bum luck of being plagued with it. I wouldn't put much reliability on an online test, so if you want to make it official, see a doctor/therapist.

But anyways, I think you are doing great with really trying to be there for your girl...that's all you can really do to prove to her is to follow up with actions to show how much you care...and it sounds like you are doing just that...maybe asking her to be your girlfriend will help pull her out of that depressive slump she's in? Just make sure you are committed because it is really hard to help someone, to keep their spirits up, and in time, it can really start to take a toll on you.

But I wish the best of luck to you both ! ..... :)

10-25-2013, 11:42 AM
I think you are anxious about all this but probably have no anxiety disorder. IMHO. Alankay

10-26-2013, 03:05 AM
Hi Avenger,
Agree with that girl that anxiety lead to depression, obesity and cardiovascular disease so exercise regularly and watch what you eat. Be modest about food and drinks, avoid eating late and have enough sleep daily.

10-26-2013, 08:07 AM
Hey everyone. I have been seeing this girl who told me that she has anxiety and it makes her depressed and sometimes not very fun to be around. I knew a little bit about anxiety but not a whole lot. After doing some research I think that I might have anxiety too, I always think something bad is going to happen. If I don't hear from her for like an hour I automatically think I did something wrong. I have been waking up still tired and not wanting to get out of bed :/. I feel sad and alone if I'm not around people. I took a little test online and it says I have "existential anxiety" not sure what that is all about or even if the test was accurate. I have wanted to look into going and seeing a therapist but I'm not sure where to start with that. I also want this girl to know I'm here for her and that I want us to be a team and be there for each other and I'd like to start a real relationship. I read that to help I could keep her active like being out and doing things to help take the mind off things so we are going to a hockey game tomorrow and then she was going to come back to my place to watch the last two episodes of Marvel agents of shield. We made a deal to watch the show together. Any thoughts on my issue and if there are any online tests that could help me sort it out? What can I do to prove to her that I'm here for her how should I approach asking her to be my girlfriend as I know right now she's kind of in one of her depression slumps. I'm even getting stressed out and anxious about this post because I just want everything to work out and I don't know if anyone will even answer :(

Remember we all have anxiety which is normal to worry about things like girls. I think it's great that U have taken it upon yourself to do research on it. If u are thinking u do you should go to ur doc. But if ur a chronic worrier it would be quite on your mind a lot of the time

10-26-2013, 08:14 AM
I think you are anxious about all this but probably have no anxiety disorder. IMHO. Alankay

I agree with Alankay.

And stop googling symptoms!

You can talk yourself into any disease/illness if you are open to it.

Just be there for her.

In a new relationship, it is normal to constantly wonder where you stand with someone.

Give it six months and you will be thinking "Will she ever stop nagging me?" :wink:

You're good. Go get her some flowers or something.