View Full Version : So bad

Olive Yew
10-24-2013, 05:54 PM
I'm off birth control and i'm so messed up.... Super derealized, super emotional. Not good. I dont know what to do. I want to talk to a therapist or someone but.... I don't have a therapist who's a available all the time and she is more of a counselor than a therapist. I know if i still feel like crap after the birth control wears off, i'm gonna try meds.... But until then.... Man I just need SOMETHING ya know? My mom just tells me "mind over matter. Talk yourself out of it". Everyone here knows just how impossible that is. I can get my emotions under control but the derealization is just.... Smothering...

10-24-2013, 06:18 PM
Hi Olive, I'm really sorry you're struggling. Why did you decide to come off the birth control pill?(if you don't mind my asking). As someone dealing with the beginnings of menopause I can vouch for the fact that hormones REALLY do a number on us. :( In fact, I am actually thinking about re-starting birth control, just to see if it might help me to feel better. I guess I'm thinking that the birth control pill can sometimes help stabilize moods, though, definitely, it can also have the opposite effect. In fact, perhaps that is why you are coming off it, to see whether it (birth control pill) is what's been causing your symptoms?

In any event, I'm really sorry things are so difficult right now. I know your Mom means well, but it's true that "mind over matter" is not something that generally tends to work for anxiety and/or depression sufferers. Maybe your doctor could help you find a good therapist? (That's how it works with my healthcare plan).

Hang in there, Olive!! Chances are you WILL feel better once your body has adjusted to being off the pill. And, if not, then, as you say, it could be time to give medication a go and that could make a huge positive difference. Keep posting here whenever you need support! Many folks here are rooting for you!

10-24-2013, 06:21 PM
Aw, sorry Olive..... :( Hopefully a few more days off birth control and your brain will achieve a better equilibrium...until then why not find someone you can talk to? An official better therapist? Or maybe they don't necessarily have to be a therapist so much as they just have to listen...maybe explain that to your Mom? She sounds supportive, but you know, I know, we all here know here that the "mind over matter" thing is just easier said than done. You are trying your best and that's good enough... Hopes up! I'll try and send some happy vibes your way!! ....... :)

Olive Yew
10-24-2013, 06:34 PM
I'm coming off of it because my dad read that the added hormones can screw with emotions and such and cause anxiety. I'm trying to eliminate anything that COULD be causing stress.

I would like to find a therepist but.... There's the whole issue of money... And my parents wielding it lol. So they have to okay it before I can do it.

10-24-2013, 06:40 PM
I'm coming off of it because my dad read that the added hormones can screw with emotions and such and cause anxiety. I'm trying to eliminate anything that COULD be causing stress.

That makes total sense. Definitely the pill can do either thing: help stabilize moods, or create additional mood problems. Really hope that you feel a benefit very soon from coming off it.