View Full Version : I really need someone to talk to

10-24-2013, 02:50 PM
I am new and this is fairly weird for me but i feel like I need to talk to people who possibly understand me without judging me or making me feel worse.

Not even sure I know where to start. I am so sad... not sure I would use the words 'depressed' as I do not want to use that word lightly, but i'm extremely sad. From about the age of 18 i have been suffering with anxiety. I never feel good enough, I never feel like I deserve to be happy. I can go through life just coasting along but sometimes I wonder why I am here. I would never do anything to end the pain but most days i felt like there was a huge pressure and i just didn't know how to deal with it. When I was younger I was bullied really badly but i remember handling it and feeling optimistic and even though I hated feeling bad I don't remember it getting to me. I have no excuses I constantly dream of doing something with my life but i am scared i will always make the wrong choices and ruin my life.

All of this changed when I met a guy about a year and a half ago he made me feel so full of life and calmed me, he made me more ambitious and made me feel like actually i had a hopeful future. I guess i did the wrong thing and made him everything that made me happy, i know i shouldn't of done it but recently he's not happy, he says he has things going on and needs space. I'm not stupid I'm a realist I KNOW that this means the end of me and him even though i want to fight he seems to have given up, he says he's not sure if he wants to break up or not... he won't talk to me and honestly i am in limbo. He is going through a tough time aswell but it seems to me that i am the only person he is cutting out. i feel the unsettling feeling of anxiety creeping up on me... to the point of where I can't remember doing things, i don't want to eat and when I do i feel guilty, I drink plenty to try and keep myself going but at the same time i get upset and end up crying until I'm (involuntarily) sick. I go outside and secretly wish that something would happen to me. I don't enjoy doing any of the things i used to do. I used to love singing... but now i cringe when i hear myself. The only thing that keeps me calm is watching videos on youtube but i can't do that 24 / 7. Ive been trying to be strong for a while but i can't do it anymore. I just want to sleep, I dread weekends because i know i'm alone and he's not there anymore. I know that this is a standard human reaction for this situation but I am seeking help on more than just how i feel right now.

i keep searching the internet trying to find a way to help with what i am going through but everything seems to be catered towards people who don't suffer with anxiety anyway. i see my friends just getting on with things when they break up with someone and they are happy. I am really socially awkward and i dislike people... I know i have to change my life and my attitude but i don't know how to :(

I'm really sorry if this seem petty to people and seems like i am belittling things with trivial issues, i don't mean to i just really don't know where to turn anymore

10-24-2013, 05:46 PM
wow the first half of that post is exactly the same as me. my jaw was open when reading it i thought i had got drunk and written it. my long term girlfriend broke up with me last week because of similar reasons. the anxiety i suffer from was a big part of her reason i guess. i just trying to keep myself busy but its so hard just before i go to bed its all i think about. the anxiety is fucking horrible and i would love to give you ways to help. but i cant. this forum is great at hearing that other people know how you feel. and that is some condolence. i reallly hope your okay. i need you to know that everything youve written here is exactly how i feel and ur shocked me into believing its not just me. that itself gives me hope. coz being alone (without your boyfriend) is not as unbearable as being alone with anxiety and these feelings
stay strong