View Full Version : Positive Thoughts...

Over Analyzer
10-24-2013, 02:23 PM
I wanted to start a thread for positive statements. One thing I have noticed about the group since joining the last couple of days is the fact a lot of us are advanced in education, or seem to be very intelligent individuals. At first thought in dealing with anxiety I always felt a little behind others. I have always played in my mind my best was not up to par. I rarely take time to soak up any accomplishments. I just thought about how most of the people in the group appear very smart and advanced. :)

10-25-2013, 12:58 PM
Hi Over Analyzer. Thanks for this. Many anxious people tend to be deep thinkers by nature, and we also tend to research our conditions thoroughly, so this makes for some extremely knowledgeable anxiety sufferers! I agree also that there are a lot of highly intelligent anxious people out there!

Another thing I have noticed is that many people who deal with psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety tend to be capable of great empathy for others. It is amazing how much support there is to be found on online forums such as this one where a lot of people are really suffering yet, at the same time, they are able to offer so much support to others. I think there is something very humbling about depression and anxiety and that allows us to be honest and vulnerable in a way that also inspires kindness and caring.

Thanks for this positive thread!