View Full Version : will this get better?

10-24-2013, 01:55 PM
I've been anxious all week for some reason. My first week back after ten days off. Today I was fine then it got to lunch time when it was time to finish early. I started to feel a little weak and jelly like legs. Then I came home and had lunch and didn't feel great. Unsettled stomach and still weak. I went to my parents and littersllt stayed there half hour. I felt sick and had diarrhea. I made my excuses and left to come home and was fearful on the way home and also got upset. I came home and had a panic attack. Felt totally alone and scared and fast breathing and sick. I'm petrified I will never get over this. I can't do anything without being anxious. Some days are easier that others but I still have anxiety present in everything I do. Has anyone had bad anxiety and managed it better or got over it. Need some positivity tonight I feel rough. Thank you xx

10-25-2013, 05:08 AM
You will get over it. It's just unfortunate that a week in anxiety feels like a year. I am going through the same thing I'm off work because of it. Because I can't face anyone but I know my brain will kick itself at some point and stop feeling bad. I feel like a bit if a hypocrite giving advice when I'm such a mess but the best thing I can say is every time you start to feel anxious, tell yourself that you're safe and this is temporary and good things will happen to you. Thing about how you feel find something that will calm you. As soon as your brain tries to think about something negative try to stop the negative thought process. For me what calms me is watching YouTube videos by tobuscus. Avoid films because the way films are filmed have lots of gaps of silence for the viewer to reflect on the film but instead of reflecting on the film you will reflect on your own pain.

10-25-2013, 05:42 AM
You will get over it. It's just unfortunate that a week in anxiety feels like a year. I am going through the same thing I'm off work because of it. Because I can't face anyone but I know my brain will kick itself at some point and stop feeling bad. I feel like a bit if a hypocrite giving advice when I'm such a mess but the best thing I can say is every time you start to feel anxious, tell yourself that you're safe and this is temporary and good things will happen to you. Thing about how you feel find something that will calm you. As soon as your brain tries to think about something negative try to stop the negative thought process. For me what calms me is watching YouTube videos by tobuscus. Avoid films because the way films are filmed have lots of gaps of silence for the viewer to reflect on the film but instead of reflecting on the film you will reflect on your own pain.

Thank you. Definitely don't think your a hypocrite. We will go through it and have knowledge on what helps us. Thanks for your reply it is good words and I will try and use it as best as I can. Hoping this blows over soon as like most of us I have spells of it being bad for a few days then calms down.

10-25-2013, 05:48 AM
I hope you find your peace and calm soon. I am thinking of you

10-25-2013, 08:50 AM
The anxiety seems to come in waves, and right now, you are in a bad one...Anxiousraven has a great idea with just distracting yourself..try music, a hobby, just something that requires concentration and no time to dwell on anxious thoughts so much...the important thing to know is that the bad won't last forever..you'll get through it..take it one day at a time.......and if you're looking for positivity, well, this place is a great start.... :)

10-25-2013, 12:47 PM
A farming family, living on a farm, are sat down to dinner, when suddenly their son walks in, late.

'Where have you been?' Asks his mother...

'Just outside, helping the flowers grow' he replies.

Next morning they all go outside, and look around and see all the flowers dead on the floor.

The father turns to the son and says....'What happened?!' ... 'I thought you were helping them grow?'

'I was' he replies... 'Last night, before coming in, I pulled all the stalks up an inch'

The moral of the story is obviously you can't rush things, and you can't force things :P

How you're feeling will pass. Sunset/sunrise etc. as nevertoo...fear said, anxiety often comes in waves, and a huge aspect of being able to cope, is recognising those waves, finding ways to ride them out, and giving yourself what you need to make those periods easier. There are times to think about life, think about your condition, and think about all the finite little details your happiness and health may depend on, but (like in the middle of the night), at the peak of an anxiety wave, isn't the time to ponder such delicate issues.

Remind yourself that losing belief is part of the condition. It's anxiety afterall, and it's job is to make you doubt. If you weren't full of doubt or fearful about you ever overcoming this problem, it wouldn't be a very competent anxiety condition from an anxiety point of view.

Just know, like the story was intended to convey, that you don't have to force this. Like flowers growing, its better if you relax, and let it happen naturally. If the conditions are right (something you have full control over) then it will happen.

The work and effort required on your part is very small. What I mean by that, is that there is nothing unnatural about curing anxiety. It is a process of realignment, rather than a process of cure. And this isn't as hard as something like chemotherapy, or taking anti-biotics, as your body will constantly give you feedback. Most of the time,you can give yourself permission to relax, as often the removal of problematic issues, or the clicking into new ways of behaving, by chance, will be more effective than trying to make grandiose gestures towards eliminating this pest.

Its a process of removing static, removing the nonsense, and the noise, so that you can hear yourself, and see yourself clearly.

(Credit to the above users sig :))

Once theres less noise and distraction coming from all around, what you need to do is obvious. the ways you fell out of balance are obvious, and you laugh. It really is surprising how silly and simple it all is, when you finally overcome the hurdle.

Then you can easily, and often subtly realign. Realign you with your correct and healthy mind, realign with a healthy body that to small degrees you may have lost (from reduced nutrients due to stress, to chronic tension probably occupying your muscles for many years before this).

If you create an environment in your body, and your mind, and your soul (in whatever way that means to you), then you can just relax your mind when it comes to getting better. You can trust a process which lies at the heart of nature and of optimum human health.

I don't know at what stage you are at, e.g. Your recovery or your knowledge, so ill give you a few ideas below, in which you may find helpful.

Know your anxiety disorder - What is anxiety? Go beyond the simple fight/flight definition, and read how it affects all aspects of the body. How the physiological changes that happen during a period of it, cause many of the symptoms you feel. Draw the links.

When you understand this, you can do the following...

- Reduce physiological reactivity, through diet, exercise, expression, meditation and relaxation. By releasing tensions inside your body and mind, you WILL suffer less anxiety and symptoms.

- Realise avoidant behaviours. You'll be able to see all the safety mechanisms you have regarding your anxiety, that are fuelling it. You'll know you are 100% safe, and therefore can push a little further through things you've been avoiding e.g. Being alone perhaps.

- Change your personal interpretations. Once you know what is causing everything, what everything is, and why it happens, just like a magic trick, it becomes far far less encaptivating. A heart attack thought is much more likely to grab your attention than you telling yourself you've released adrenaline through your adrenal gland due to a mistakenly hyped nervous system, and your heart is burning it off, in what is one of the most innocent and normal human procedures around.

This works for other personal interpretations too. When you stop reacting to what causes you unhappiness, or you replace a negative personal interpretation, with a calm one, a huge chink in the anxiety chain falls. This is usually the turning point for everyone. It's virtually impossible to be healthy, and had calm/ positive personal interpretations and be anxious. i have honestly yet to see it.

Once you've done this, you can:

Find the cause of your disorder - some stressor, unhealthy way of living, poor mental coping techniques or lack of fulfilled desires may have led you here, and these do need to be solved (But don't jump to this step until the last one is complete.

10-31-2013, 04:37 PM
Wow. Thanks for that. That makes a lot of sense and I realize I need to look after myself s hell of a lot better than I have been. Thank you for those words. Xxx