View Full Version : Embarassing problem

10-24-2013, 01:37 PM
I've dealt with anxiety in the past, and felt like I'd got through it, seems not

I currently keep feeling strange sensations in my penis, I feel like I'm losing my mind

I can't even explain the feeling, am I over analysing what's happening down there? I feel like even when it touches my briefs, that it's an irritation

Then I'm thinking that i am dripping, or that it's wet, but I'm not

Sometimes I feel like there's something stuck in there

Am I losing it

10-24-2013, 02:23 PM
If you are like most guys, I would rather have a meat cleaver stuck in my face before I had any issues with the stick.

I am happy to say, as I shed a tear for your plight, that reading your brief (get it? !!) post, it oozes anxiety

Jay - you are fine and it takes big stones to post what you did, even though it's anonymous.

Just apply your rational thoughts to everything you wrote.

If you were describing the issue and analyzing your arm, you would be quick to dismiss it as anxiety

But since it involves your stick ( I get the heebie geebies if I say or write the word "penis") it becomes even more frightening.

Everyone of us guys would have been thinking the same way.

No worries!

10-25-2013, 11:13 AM
Ah Nixon

Always gave good advice!

It's so frustrating, I know deep down its anxiety, but I can't believe it, been here before, needs to end somehow

10-25-2013, 11:23 AM
Ah Nixon

Always gave good advice!

It's so frustrating, I know deep down its anxiety, but I can't believe it, been here before, needs to end somehow

Don't encourage him!

I mean he's good and all, you get sound advice from him, but... he's no Lin ;)

10-25-2013, 11:45 AM
Lol apologies jesse

I just wish I wasn't feeling this :(