View Full Version : Am I going crazy?!!! Help....

10-24-2013, 01:20 PM
I have a fear of one day "going crazy" and taking my life. Key word fear, aka I DONT want to fucking do it. But I also have OCD and suicide is a fear I obsess over. This all started last year when Sandy Hook happened. The fear then disappeared and went away but now its reared its ugly head again. I constantly am checking my mind or thoughts obsessing how I feel. If I did want to off mself I obviously would not be posting this. I have never been suicidal in my life. I have always lived my life normally...delt with problems normally. But every time I have high anxiety (shortness of breath, high heart rate, dizzy, anxiety attacks) I get this "doom sensation" like something bad is going to happen and its like that fear comes to my mind "oh god wait am I feeling suicidal?" I really cant stand it. I believe this falls under the category of OCD and just pure obsession. How do I stop obsessing about this shit? Am I normal? Is this just a fear that is getting overplayed? Its like my mind is making it seem real and when I say its not ...there is always doubt and it continues...a little help folks to stop the non sense would be appreciated.

I would also like to add this fear goes away when the sensations start to go away

Chris C
10-24-2013, 08:18 PM
Well I can tell you pretty confidently that you are not going crazy. I feel that way a lot too. My anxiety has relapsed recently and sometimes I feel like I'm just losing my mind. But the truth is that people who actually do go "crazy" don't realize it and aren't scared about it. That's how you know it's just anxiety messing with you.
Are you seeing a therapist or psychiatrist?

10-24-2013, 10:36 PM
Well I can tell you pretty confidently that you are not going crazy. I feel that way a lot too. My anxiety has relapsed recently and sometimes I feel like I'm just losing my mind. But the truth is that people who actually do go "crazy" don't realize it and aren't scared about it. That's how you know it's just anxiety messing with you.
Are you seeing a therapist or psychiatrist?

Nope, not seeing anyone. Managed to stop my panic attacks on my own (have not had a panic attack in 2 years) and gotten through some obsessive thoughts that were bothering me. The funny thing is I have beaten this one before lol, and it happened last year. But im just staying strong over here.

10-25-2013, 12:45 AM
Have had OCD since I can remember and PTSD as an early adult triggered anxiety and panic for me. Yep OCD and anxiety can make you feel like you're going crazy--- you are not. Sometimes my OCD will turn into anxiety and vice versa.
Sometimes talking to a friend helps or listening to relaxing music,playing video games OCD is really really hard to stop in your head and you have to talk yourself into thinking out of it. Sometimes you can.. Sometimes you can't. I find if I'm obsessing over a thought it just gets worse-- so keeping your mind off can help. Mediation too helps.