View Full Version : Bummed out by my mums words

10-24-2013, 12:28 PM
Hi guys. Hope you're all getting by without much stress.
I've been doing a lit better recently and I've been pushing myself to keep busy everyday. Ny mood has lifted tonnes because of this.
Yesterday, however, I was a little bummed out by something my mum said to me.
She suffered from anxiety and panic attacks when I was little and she was literally bed bound for six months. I vaguely remember my aunty looking after me and my siblings during this time.
So you'd think my mum would understand what I'm going through and be patient with me, and for the most part she is, but yesterday she basically said to me that four years (which is how long I've been struggling with this shit) is too long and I should pull myself together. She suffered for two years. She also said that if I don't stop and snap out of it I will end up going crazy and losing my mind. I told her it is impossible to go crazy from an anxiety disorder and her response was, 'Well you used to be such a fighter, always out with your mates, never afraid to have a row. Fight back!'
She basically said everything I think about myself and I felt like shit!
Thanks mum!
Is there a time limit to this crap? How do I 'snap out of it?'
If it was that easy, I would have done it by now!
I feel like screaming right now - literally screaming at the top of my lungs, to whoever will listen, 'I'm not doing this on purpose! I'm not fucking enjoying being like this! I fight everyday just to get through! So LEAVE ME ALONE, and that includes you, anxiety, you massive piece of shit! Leave me in piece!!!!'

10-24-2013, 01:17 PM
Hi guys. Hope you're all getting by without much stress.
I've been doing a lit better recently and I've been pushing myself to keep busy everyday. Ny mood has lifted tonnes because of this.
Yesterday, however, I was a little bummed out by something my mum said to me.
She suffered from anxiety and panic attacks when I was little and she was literally bed bound for six months. I vaguely remember my aunty looking after me and my siblings during this time.
So you'd think my mum would understand what I'm going through and be patient with me, and for the most part she is, but yesterday she basically said to me that four years (which is how long I've been struggling with this shit) is too long and I should pull myself together. She suffered for two years. She also said that if I don't stop and snap out of it I will end up going crazy and losing my mind. I told her it is impossible to go crazy from an anxiety disorder and her response was, 'Well you used to be such a fighter, always out with your mates, never afraid to have a row. Fight back!'
She basically said everything I think about myself and I felt like shit!
Thanks mum!
Is there a time limit to this crap? How do I 'snap out of it?'
If it was that easy, I would have done it by now!
I feel like screaming right now - literally screaming at the top of my lungs, to whoever will listen, 'I'm not doing this on purpose! I'm not fucking enjoying being like this! I fight everyday just to get through! So LEAVE ME ALONE, and that includes you, anxiety, you massive piece of shit! Leave me in piece!!!!'

I think it's good that you feel able to come here and vent. With regards to the words of your mother..... Take them with a pinch of salt. There is no timescale to anxiety and perhaps she doesn't realize how lucky she is that it only lasted two years.

10-25-2013, 06:19 AM
It's easy to say snap out of it but it doesn't work like that, I've tried and failed miserably. It sounds like you're doing well by pushing yourself to keep busy and getting on with your life, hopefully it'll get better :)

10-25-2013, 08:36 AM
My mom still does that to me. I work full time - which she did as well when we were young. Sometimes I have to travel and my mom says words that bite - about my priorities etc. I realize she is carrying anger and bitterness towards herself. And when she sees something that reminds her of it - she lashes out.
It really is her problem - not yours. Just love yourself and give your mom some grace, but she still has things to deal with as well.

11-03-2013, 10:58 AM
i get "perk up?"

... as if i didnt think of that.
ignorance is our worst enemy

11-03-2013, 11:14 AM
I know this too well my mam said the same thing to me yesterday, I was suppose to go to a firework night and my mam asked me if I was going and I said no I don't feel well and she turned round and said "your always ill you want to get a grip and stop thinking your ill all the time" harsh but a guess people are sick of me moaning and complaining