View Full Version : Graduation Fears/Anxiety

10-24-2013, 09:56 AM
I am graduating this December, I am an early graduate with a Bachelor of art in Social Science concentration Economics. I graduate with honors, but my school will only announce Social science as my degree. I feel like people will judge me and think I'm stupid for just that major. I know I'm only on stage for less than one minute but I suffer from anxiety. I want to make family happy by walking across stage but the fear of other laughing/judging me based off degree is really bothering me. I don't know what to do. I wish they would announce my concentration since I've worked hard on it. Also, I may be the only one graduating with that degree because at some point the school got rid of it as an undergrad and kept it as a Graduate degree (masters). So being the only one with that degree at commencement will bother me. I don't know if skipping it will make me regret it or not but I can't concentrate on anything else but it. I picture once they announce my name and say Bachelor of Art Social Science everybody will judge me and say I picked an easy major. Which I didn't. I chose something that was interdisciplinary and allowed me to concentrate in an area ( Econ and Psych). I don't know what to do. Maybe I'm a little embarrassed of what others think.

10-24-2013, 10:51 AM
I know that this probably isn't any help but people may not think that because to be honest that's not what I thought when I read it, I thought well done and good on you! You can't live your life worrying what other people think, I know it's hard not too and it's taken me ages to get over that one but you need to do what you want and what makes you happy, which is what you're doing. You're doing what you wanted and you should be proud of yourself :)

10-24-2013, 11:04 AM
I just graduated last year with a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resources. I'm now in HR at a very large bank making great money but at my graduation they never mentioned I was even studying HR. I was also nervous to get on stage with my anxiety. I went to a small school(only 1,000 graduating). You will be surprised at how little time you spend on stage. We were seperated from the people with B.A and B.S. degrees. No one really cares what degree you have and everyone seems to be happy for everyone just for actually graduating. Congrats on your hard work and I wish you the best!

Remember~worrying about something is almost always worse then actually doing it.

Over Analyzer
10-24-2013, 12:01 PM
I graduated BS in Psychology, and then Masters with Emphasis in HR Management. Right there with you. I walked the stage both times. Both times my anxiety was so high, but both times the moment was so short. You are a blink of an eye, and you need to take part in the accomplishment. You will be fine :). I rehearsed the the graduation process 100 times in my mind each time before the stage walk, but got through it. Good luck, and congrats!