View Full Version : Pre-wedding nerves

10-24-2013, 07:40 AM
And it's not even my wedding! I'm the best man at my friends wedding next Friday and I've just been signed off work with sleep anxiety/depression and I'm terrified I won't sleep the night before and make a mess of the day! I'm only 2.5 weeks into taking Fluoxetine and that my fears are irrational and that I'll most likely be fine - but the doubt is killing me! Just rang my mum and ratned at her about it which made me feel better but I don't think she can cope with me doing that too much, so here I am writing on this forum. Any tips for dealing with an anxious thought about the wedding?

10-24-2013, 08:35 AM
Till next Friday the meds will help and you will be fine. I do understand it, I never go to any gathering anymore, it is just too much for me.. Good luck, you will be fine and have fun.

10-24-2013, 08:43 AM
I've not personally experienced it but I suppose all I can say is that you'll be with friends (and possibly family) and people are there to have a good time and celebrate, they aren't there to judge you or your speech. What I'd try and think is what is the worst that can happen? You mess up? It's not the end of the world, the attention will still be on the groom and the bride.

I can understand you being nervous about the speech, I am useless with public speaking but I'm sure it'll go ok for you and make sure you enjoy your day and try not to stress to much (I do know that it's much easier said than done) :)

10-24-2013, 09:04 AM
Thanks guys - I know it's my worry about not sleeping the night before and being useless and feeling horrible the next day - but then I tell myself even if I don't sleep then I'll prob still be fine; traditionally the stag night was the night before the wedding and I'm sure others have pulled all nighters! I just went for a run and it was my first run in months that I felt so energized (the Mirtazapine was a real killer on my running) so the fluoxetine must be helping in that department to. Will let you know how my first CBT session since my childhood goes tonight :-)

10-24-2013, 10:34 AM
I know that only too well, I'm no good at sleeping. I'm a very light sleeper and I find it impossible to get to sleep, what I have found that helps is warm milk with some sugar (I usually use a teaspoon of sugar and half a mug of milk) about 10 minutes before bed and it really helps me to get to sleep. Also, I listen to a podcast, I normally can't sleep because my mind is overthinking things so listening to a podcast relaxes me and my iPod will switch off when the podcast finishes so that it doesn't run all night :)